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Forums - Sales Discussion - Resistance 2 sells 304K in NA week 1 --- Good or Bad??

I didn't even know this came out. I should buy it.

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304 k is awesome! RFOM1 SOLD only about 45k first week in usa!

u people do realice this are only the sale for the 1st 4 days right?

^ just like every other game

except gears ( that was 2 days )

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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well on its way to becoming a million seller.

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It sold 25 percent of what the first one did in two years in one week, I'd call it a success. Especially if it can outsell the first one by the end of the year

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

well it didn't do huge numbers for all the talk it gets for being a huge PS3 game from fans around here.

BUT I personally think it did pretty damn good for being a shooter game. Heck if I liked shooter games I don't even know if I would get the game. Not because it is not good, but because there are so many damn shooter games coming out all the time and so fast that who has the money for it all.

And Gears did so much better because of the huge advertising it got. I have seen tons of commercials. Or at least the same one tons of times. And I remember the ton of commercials the first one had. And then compare user base numbers and its easy to see.

Oh and don't say there is resistance commercials or something on g4 or some gaming network. I mean seriously who watches those crap channels, so i wouldn't see it if there was ton on there.

I was expecting a million seller for week 1 considering that it was released at the start of the week.

It underperformed because everyones waiting for COD5

What's funny is that people try to downplay it as "well we know it's not Gears 2!" The point is, R1 and Gears1 were released in the same holiday period . Back then people were talking about Resistance as competition to Halo. Even Sony was heavily banking on it and we all know about the fanboy over hype. However, Halo was the least of the problems for Resistance. It was outdone by Gears and now the gap will be extended further. Gears turned out to be an elite franchise and Resistance turned out to be just another good game. That's the difference. People who believed that Resistance is an Elite franchise and thus were expecting those sort of numbers will be disappointed. Those who understand that it's just another good game released this holiday season will see the numbers as respectable.

Ofcourse, the moment numbers don't look good, the talk of "LEGS!!!!" or "OMG! wait for game X" start right up. Let a game SHOW you it's gonna have legs first before proclaiming such.