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Forums - Sales Discussion - America numbers up!

Great 360 numbers, and with the Gears 2 bundle, hardware should grow over the holidays. Nice seeing all the consoles on the rise. Wii is insane!

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Looks like another win for 360!

Wow. Wii and DS are HUGE! :D

360 above PS3, the Gears effect. Sales are increasing.

...Some "huge" titles for ps3 has come,and I don't see it doing well at all.
What is left for 08?

Xbox 360?
Last Renmant right?

Hmh.It doesn't need any.


Hm.It doesn't need any.



Take my love, take my land..

Squilliam said:
Looks like the 360 has clawed up to a 300k lead for Q3/Q4

I think it has a decent chance of holding that lead with Japanese numbers coming in later this week.

I wonder if it'll hit 500k in a few weeks?

What about all of 2008?

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Wierd to see the 360 still selling so well 2 months after the price cut. However i do think next week will be the proper indicator of how this xmas will go. Mainly because these numbers only include 1 day of Gears 2 and Resistance 2 etc.. The Wii is selling like it has for the past 2 years. It really is amazing to see those numbers!

So when will the software be put up? Last week saw 5m games sold between (PS3,360 and Wii) im assuming this weeks numbers will be big but next weeks could be mega.

*looks at Wii numbers*

Holy Hand-Grenades, Batman!!

Those Wii sales are just as crazy as Ds sales in Others, great 360 sales nice boost also nice boost for ps3.


DMeisterJ said:
Squilliam said:
Looks like the 360 has clawed up to a 300k lead for Q3/Q4

I think it has a decent chance of holding that lead with Japanese numbers coming in later this week.

I wonder if it'll hit 500k in a few weeks?

What about all of 2008?


I dont think you can argue this beating. Sony is messing up all the work they did early on. They even messed up LBP numbers.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Very surprising for the X360. Should hit 250k for the week with Japan added in.

Overall, healthy sales all around. I keep forgetting there's economic trouble at all.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.