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Forums - Sony Discussion - Direct feed Killzone 2 multiplayer footage

I still can't get beyond just how good this game looks.

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These vids dont work for me, I click and nothing. hmm, maybe I should try IE instead, Firefox sometimes screws up on me.

Edit: Just saw them, WoW the graphics are amazing. That plus wat the guy from Gamevideos said, is looking VERY good. Let's see if Killzone 2 can pull a Gears and sell gangbusters on mostly graphics (not saying its a bad game).

Cant wait for this game,its gonna be awesome!

you're just determined to force me into buying this game, aren't you? Seriously, if it wasn't for you, I'd still think of this game as just the sequel to what was called a fairly meh FPS. I'll definitely pick this one up ASAP.

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Oh my god, this game is sexy :P

insomniac17 said:
you're just determined to force me into buying this game, aren't you? Seriously, if it wasn't for you, I'd still think of this game as just the sequel to what was called a fairly meh FPS. I'll definitely pick this one up ASAP.



Btw, it seems that Guerrilla are really coming into their own in terms of game development.

Read this:,+Part+1&kz_news_page=0&kz_news_category=Developer%20Blogs

Then read the last part of this:,+not+again!&kz_news_page=0&kz_news_category=Developer%20Blogs

It's like they really *get* game design, and this shows through the quality of the KZ2 beta.  It makes me wonder how their first two games went so wrong. 

Though really, all developers have to start somehwere (just look at the early days of companies like Epic), which explains Shellshocked, their first title.  And the original Killzone was full of great ideas that were just covered in bugs.  It could've been a whole lot better with half a year of more polish.

the first two games went so wrong? i liked killzone liberation on psp and the multiplayer was gd also!

headshot91 said:
the first two games went so wrong? i liked killzone liberation on psp and the multiplayer was gd also!


I was talking about Shellshocked and Killzone, not Killzone: Liberation.  Liberation was a great title, and the first to show Geurrilla's true capabilities.

The destructible env is awesome.


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.