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Forums - Sony Discussion - Direct feed Killzone 2 multiplayer footage

Enjoy.  :)


Two more videos, including one of the largest level in the beta, Salamon Market:

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The lag in that video is surprising, especially considering how few people were playing.

I've only experienced lag that bad when playing certain....undesirables from New Zealand.


This is my most hyped game since MGS4! :)

PS3 Trophies



 The graphics are wow...a big WOW.

By the way, is the game like that? No interface of health bars, energy or something, just a gun?

You can download the videos in 720p as well. It's really blurry and compressed, but better than those in the OP:

Around the Network

There's some pretty funny glitches in those videos.

@1.27 in Killzone action video #1 - There's a guy floating in the air while shooting.

Graphics look absolutley amazing though. The trailers on GT don't do the game justice. I'm also hopeful those glitches, while amusing, are removed by release.


Dallinor said:
There's some pretty funny glitches in those videos.

@1.27 in Killzone action video #1 - There's a guy floating in the air while shooting.

Graphics look absolutley amazing though. The trailers on GT don't do the game justice. I'm also hopeful those glitches, while amusing, are removed by release.


They're not glitches, just lag spikes. (in which I have never seen a case that bad when playing in the beta).

Characters will just get stuck in one place and zoom/teleport to another because of lag, so the guy that was in midair was probably jumping down from the top and was frozen in midair as the lagspike hit. Kinda reminds me of counterstrike.

Freakin' OMG at the fourth video. Jaw dropping.

bbsin said:
Dallinor said:
There's some pretty funny glitches in those videos.

@1.27 in Killzone action video #1 - There's a guy floating in the air while shooting.

Graphics look absolutley amazing though. The trailers on GT don't do the game justice. I'm also hopeful those glitches, while amusing, are removed by release.


They're not glitches, just lag spikes. (in which I have never seen a case that bad when playing in the beta).

Characters will just get stuck in one place and zoom/teleport to another because of lag, so the guy that was in midair was probably jumping down from the top and was frozen in midair as the lagspike hit. Kinda reminds me of counterstrike.

Ahh, if it's just lag then it probably won't really be an issue by launch. *fingers crossed*

Are there any body-physics glitches though? (bodies twitching, dissapearing, moving weirdly etc?) I thought I saw some in the E3 gameplay trailers.


Dallinor said:
bbsin said:
Dallinor said:
There's some pretty funny glitches in those videos.

@1.27 in Killzone action video #1 - There's a guy floating in the air while shooting.

Graphics look absolutley amazing though. The trailers on GT don't do the game justice. I'm also hopeful those glitches, while amusing, are removed by release.


They're not glitches, just lag spikes. (in which I have never seen a case that bad when playing in the beta).

Characters will just get stuck in one place and zoom/teleport to another because of lag, so the guy that was in midair was probably jumping down from the top and was frozen in midair as the lagspike hit. Kinda reminds me of counterstrike.

Ahh, if it's just lag then it probably won't really be an issue by launch. *fingers crossed*

Are there any body-physics glitches though? (bodies twitching, dissapearing, moving weirdly etc?) I thought I saw some in the E3 gameplay trailers.


The only thing that I've seen first hand is when you kill someone and they start crawling on the floor, sometimes they end up floating on top of an object or another body kinda like what happens when Ryu (ninja gaiden) steps on a rock. Other than that, the animations have been really good and as they die, the models react to each bullet that hits their body accordingly. But tbh, it's really hard to notice some details (good or bad) in multiplayer because you're probably going to be worried about getting shot at since it doesn't take alot to kill someone. As far as ragdoll and physics glitches are concerned, we'll probably have a better evaluation based on a campaign mode where the experience isn't as active.