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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Holy Crap! Portable N64!

RCTjunkie said:
Is it big? Yes
Is It ugly? Yes
Is it uncomfterable? Yes
Is it pointless? Yes
Would I buy one? Absoloutly


ROFL!! Now that's a post!!

OT: I think I would go with a DS with an M3/R4, or a Hacked PSP...

4 ≈ One

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it would be cool if he could sell it, taking into account all the time he must have spent making it...sure it´s not so practical but damn what i would give to have it...... along with the L64 for multiplayer awesomeness=)

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I've decided I'm going to take on a project similar to this. Mine will be infinitely better. Just you wait and see. >=)

It'll be a LONG time before I get it done (partially because I can't afford to make it right now), but it'll be really stinking awesome when it gets done. I anticipate that it'll be featured on Engadget once it's done.

I'd give more details, but I don't want the glory stolen from me by someone else copying my idea before I get it done. :mellow:


thetonestarr said:

Here's another one mentioned on Engadget, called the L64, but I can't find the original site. The Digg article that mentioned it originally links to an inactive site.

That's just beautiful.

I would be embarrassed to be seen playing that thing.

Nintendo still doomed?
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I would want one. It looks awesome.

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My Twitter: @Scary4Eva

Think I'll stick with a DS thanks.

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Has no one ever herad of the IQue?

Edit... I forgot the iQue didn't have a screen, it as a plug and play type thing.

That's easily the ugliest "portable system" I've ever seen. And I'm factoring the Virtual Boy into this.

I`m posting this again just to make sure everybody sees it:

Yes, it is made of wood!

I`d buy that in a heart beat!

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!