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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP...Moderated!

SamuelRSmith said:
Here we go, the email I recieved:

Dear PlayStation®Network user

When you registered for PlayStation®Network, you accepted our Terms of Service and User Agreement and our Privacy Policy. The Terms of Service and User Agreement contains important provisions about your activity in PlayStation®Network and your purchases from PlayStation®Store. The Privacy Policy explains what personal data we collect from you and how we use it.

We have recently made some changes to the Terms of Service and User Agreement and Privacy Policy to improve them and to reflect updates to the services available on PlayStation®Network.

These changes include:

> Information about your PlayStation®Network Online ID

> More details about the information we collect via PlayStation®Network and who we share that information with.

> Information about how we may monitor your activity in PlayStation®Network

> Our rights in user created content uploaded via PlayStation®Network

We encourage you to review our updated Terms of Service and User Agreement and Privacy Policy at If you have access to the PlayStation®Store, you can also view them via the links at the foot of every page of the PlayStation®Store.

The revised Terms of Service and User Agreement and Privacy Policy will apply to all future use of PlayStation®Network by you and your Sub Accounts.

Thank you,


And then, from the actual TaC:

You authorise us, our affiliated companies and other PSN users, to use, distribute, copy, modify, display, and publish your User Material throughout PSN and other associated services. You also authorise us and our affiliated companies, without payment to you, to license, sell and otherwise commercially exploit your User Material (for example, selling subscriptions to access User Material and/or receiving advertising revenue related to User Material), and to use your User Material in the promotion of PlayStation products and services. You must not commercially exploit User Material without our consent. You waive any moral rights you may have in your User Material. By posting, streaming or transmitting User Material you represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to use, post, stream and transmit such User Material and to grant the rights set out in this paragraph.

You're kidding, right? O.O

Facebook owns your pictures, kind of.


This is invisible text!

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Saw that coming

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

Jack Daniels agrees that any kind of mods really work only on PC,

i was fearing this....

this will force creator to be more original or at least no name their games exactly like copyrighted material...

at least no company have whined yet.

Who cares? There's a billion other things you can make without jacking ideas from popular video games. This thing is like a breathing living organism that grows every day.

Around the Network

sometime I hate copyright, but copyright is a good thing.

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


SamuelRSmith said:
Domicinator said:
I love the Sony Defense Force. You guys can justify anything.

So the phrase "failure to launch" didn't exist before that stupid movie was made? Come on. LBP was supposed to be soooooo good. If I were a PS3 owner, I would have been excited about it. But the publicity stunt with the recall, the server problems, and now the heavy moderation has overshadowed all the good publicity about it.

In my opinion, LBP is turning out to be more like what the naysayers thought it would be rather than what the fans thought it would be.


 So, wait, two things that are dead and gone now, ie the server issues (that I wasn't even aware of) and the "publicity stunt", and a third thing, which appears to have been reported by one site, and that every other open community gets (surely you must know about the issues Youtube is causing Google); these three things overshadow the remarkably and rarely seen amount of positive press that this game is getting.

"Dead and gone" is not equal to "never happened".  LBP seems like it's been more annoying than fun so far.  And the moderation is being reported everywhere.


kitler53 said:
sony doesn't want to get sued. deal with it.


This. Am sure alot of people saw this coming....

4 ≈ One

twesterm said:
I can't believe people are actually surprised by this.

I agree, during the beta there were so many people hyped about people trying to recreate Mario Bros, including some beta levels including uploading the music from the original game. I was really surprised that it was hardly, if ever, mentioned that there was no chance that any of this content would ever be allowed. I'm a little surprised if they remove first party content, but once you start making exceptions then the line gets blurred a little bit.

In fact if the game developers wanted to, they could send a cease and desist letter to IOI demanding that he removes all their copyrighted images from Vgchartz, but this website generates them publicity so they won't do it. Generally it will only happen if their revenue stream gets affected or if someone is directly profiting from using their content, ie user levels in LBP.


Never argue with idiots
They bring you down to their level and then beat you with experience

Domicinator said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Domicinator said:
I love the Sony Defense Force. You guys can justify anything.

So the phrase "failure to launch" didn't exist before that stupid movie was made? Come on. LBP was supposed to be soooooo good. If I were a PS3 owner, I would have been excited about it. But the publicity stunt with the recall, the server problems, and now the heavy moderation has overshadowed all the good publicity about it.

In my opinion, LBP is turning out to be more like what the naysayers thought it would be rather than what the fans thought it would be.


 So, wait, two things that are dead and gone now, ie the server issues (that I wasn't even aware of) and the "publicity stunt", and a third thing, which appears to have been reported by one site, and that every other open community gets (surely you must know about the issues Youtube is causing Google); these three things overshadow the remarkably and rarely seen amount of positive press that this game is getting.

"Dead and gone" is not equal to "never happened".  LBP seems like it's been more annoying than fun so far.  And the moderation is being reported everywhere.


You couldn't be more wrong IMO.  I can't stop playing this game.  Even if I don't enjoy someone's level as a whole, I usually see at least 1 thing in their level that I find interesting or creative.  The ones that are themed after existing copyrighted material are usually terrible (except for Libidius).  It's the original creations such as "World of Color" or "Azure Palace" that are the best.  As for the level I'm working on, it is completely original and out of my brain.  I'm pretty sure I have at least 1 or 2 ideas in there that nobody else has implemented yet.  I won't give anything away until I publish it, but the tentative title is "Accidental Deputy".


Keep this in mind when reading what I type...

I've been gaming longer than many of you have been alive.