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Forums - Sony Discussion - LBP...Moderated!


*Edit - Link corrected.  Nothing worst than trying to correct something when your wireless connection goes weak!



LBP is being moderated to oblivion due to copy right issues. As you can imagine, levels created with a theme and images from popular shows and films are being removed. This could cause a small problem for the people who want to make levels of their favourite movies and TV shows...



Good to see this site is still going 

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sony doesn't want to get sued. deal with it.

Surely when you start LBP, you should have had to sign a ToC stating that Sony are not responsible for any content submitted on LBP.

Then again, that could cause issues with content that deserves to be removed, due to offensive material.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, stay outta my booze!

Isnt this what everyone expected?

lbp is about creativity anyways and theres nothing creative about stealing others work.

Although it is kinda stupid of sony not to allow tributes of their own first party work in lbp....

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

I dont understand though how would a mod know if a level breaches copyright?

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SamuelRSmith said:
Surely when you start LBP, you should have had to sign a ToC stating that Sony are not responsible for any content submitted on LBP.

Then again, that could cause issues with content that deserves to be removed, due to offensive material.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, stay outta my booze!

i haven't made any levels yet but i haven't seen one.

and just compare it to  google can complain all they want about it not being their fault, it's the users but at the end of the day it's google not me/you getting sued.

yeah it sucks but give sony a break - they are doing what they have to not what they want to.


I could not fathom that out either. Unless someone 'official' started moaning eg: A producer or director... But as far as I was aware you could throw anything on it that's on your Hard Drive. Of course if it's racist, offensive or something along the lines of that (as SamuelRSmith pointed out) then I could understand why.

Good to see this site is still going 

copyright is copyright


You have a Resistance 2 banner - but yet that isn't Copyright...

Good to see this site is still going 

As far as i'm concerned/aware Sony didn't provide the stuff in the software, it's jst the user/gamer putting it on. So as far as I can see Sony is in the clear.

Good to see this site is still going