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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGC Music Riddle Game - Round 8: Suikoden Special Round

Added Johnny B's score

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There you go, I finally found some free time to participate. I think I got them all by the way! =P

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

Added SHMUP's score. The second perfect score in the history of this game, by the way. The round will be closed as soon as Cactus says he has the next one ready

Round closed
The correct answers were:

1. Suikoden III - Ai wo Koete/Exceeding Love (Opening Theme)
2. Suikoden - Royal Palace Consultation (Gregminster Palace Opening Scene)
3. Suikoden V - Town on a River (Raftfleet BGM)
4. Suikoden II - The Chase (Luca Blight Battle Theme)
5. Suikoden V - A Power Like the Sun (Sol-Falena Castle BGM)
6. Suikoden Tactics - Another World (Opening Theme)
7. Suikoden II - One-Minute Showdown (Cooking Contest Theme)
8. Suikoden IV - A Formidable Enemy Appears (Boss Battle Theme)
9. Suikoden III - Vinay del Zexay (Vinay del Zexay BGM)
10. Suikoden II - Beautiful Morning (Nanami's Theme)

Congrats to all participants, the standings are in the OP
Cactus will do the next round, he'll post it as soon as possible

Round 9 is up! It's another mixed round.