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Round closed
The correct answers were:

1. Suikoden III - Ai wo Koete/Exceeding Love (Opening Theme)
2. Suikoden - Royal Palace Consultation (Gregminster Palace Opening Scene)
3. Suikoden V - Town on a River (Raftfleet BGM)
4. Suikoden II - The Chase (Luca Blight Battle Theme)
5. Suikoden V - A Power Like the Sun (Sol-Falena Castle BGM)
6. Suikoden Tactics - Another World (Opening Theme)
7. Suikoden II - One-Minute Showdown (Cooking Contest Theme)
8. Suikoden IV - A Formidable Enemy Appears (Boss Battle Theme)
9. Suikoden III - Vinay del Zexay (Vinay del Zexay BGM)
10. Suikoden II - Beautiful Morning (Nanami's Theme)

Congrats to all participants, the standings are in the OP
Cactus will do the next round, he'll post it as soon as possible