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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is Wii Fit deemed 'casual' yet Guitar Hero isn't?

Biggerboat said:

The former has been greeted with scepticism and derision by the general gaming community yet the latter is seen as perfectly acceptable and has been welcomed to the gaming scene since it's arrival. My question is why?

Both games come with a hefty peripheral both in size and price tag. Both feature accessible play mechanics that start out easy and increase in difficulty. Both games are cut down into bite size chunks of play time & both have you on your feet for prolonged periods of time. Why then with this much in common are these titles treated so differently by your average gamer?

Is it because one has practical implications, in this case excercise, and the other is solely for entertainment & if so why is DDR not subjected to accusations of ending gaming as we know it & taking the industry in a dangerous direction? Is it because one is seen as having cooler subject matter, & if so is that not just down to personal taste? Is it beacause one uses mini-games and the other uses tracks?

It seems to me that it's all just down to a vocal minority of spoilt babies who want the gaming world to revolve around themselves and no one else, who deem rock 'cool' and excercise 'lame' & thus the latter must cease to exist. Some people need to stop being so close-minded and accept that just because they like red somebody else can't like blue, it's pathetic.

Am I missing something?

What's DDR?

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower


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""""who the hell said Wii Fit is Nintendo's last innovative IP for the Wii? seriously.""""

==> go see Nintendo E32007 conference
and just check the game presented by Miyamoto...
It was the big news from Nintendo : they presented "Wiiboard" with WiiFit.

Time to Work !

Because Casual/hardcore are really just silly terms used by teenagers to seem more elite than other people. And since Guitars are cool, Guitar Hero is hardcore.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

@tispower, dance dance revolution

@stof, ask Nintendo, George said we're "purists" now, get it right. LOL

I have never and probably will never own GH. I played it, but... no, not for me, but my mom really likes it. she CAN play at expert, but i don't think she's beaten it though.

I guess you guys have a point about GH in the difficulty, but it's still mostly casual i think.

I'll have to go with a couple others on Wii Fit, how can that be called a game? It's a peripheal, and the s/w that comes with it is excercises, right? I'm sure they will use it for other stuff eventually, like that skiing thing, but that will be the "game" part, not the WiiFit.

I wonder how many fatasses will break the thing, I know I probably would. I'll go see one at gamestop when it comes out and scare em when I want to try it.

stof said:
Because Casual/hardcore are really just silly terms used by teenagers to seem more elite than other people. And since Guitars are cool, Guitar Hero is hardcore.

lmao!!! Teenagers dont use hardcore gamers and casual games, they just say that game sucks or that game is raw. Yah get me times have changed, its been long since you were a teenager


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OMG!! Sony NOW(by now I mean FW 1.80) MADE THE PS3 SUPPORT GUITER HERO!!! Thats the biggest news so far today lol


ckmlb said:
I thought the answer was obvious but apparently some don't understand or haven't played Guitar Hero.

Guitar Hero is exactly the kind of game that appeals both to casuals and to hardcore gamers. If you play it at low difficulty it is perfect for casual gamers, on the other other hand if you invest time the game gets really skill based and it definitely takes lots of play and practice to master the game at the higher difficulties.

Also, 1)Guitar Hero is a game because you have a series of objectives and scores and the main focus of the game is beating content to advance and unlock more content as you would in other games but instead of levels you got songs.

2)Wii Fit the main objective is fitness not progress in the game, there is score keeping and such in some of the Wii Fit 'games' but it's not the objective of playing it. 3)There is no gaming skill or improvement envolved but rather improvement in fitness and exercise and yoga or whatever...

Add on top of that, that 4)guitar hero while having a guitar shaped peripheral, is still really a game where you press buttons to try and defeat objectives as in traditional games, even if it is the case that the contoller is not in the normal shape.

Did you ever consider rythm games not to be games before? No. Do you consider EBA not a game simply because it is you tapping to music? no.

5)Wii Sports is a game, not a traditonal game, but it is a game because the objective most of the time is to defeat your oponent. Wii Fit is a collection of fitness routines and very few things that could possibly pass as games (like the soccer game).

On the other hand,6) DDR is a game just not a video game. That is a dancing game, the software and machine is only there to keep score of your movements and 'dancing' and isn't essential to the experience but adds to it.

Quite a few things I disagree with here.

1)If Wii Fit follows the same formula as Wii Sports, which is likely then you'll unlock levels just like you did in Training mode and attain different medals based on your score(which Wii Play also incorporates). So if those things define GH as a game then it also qualifies Wii Fit.

2)I think they are one and the same.

3)Not true. To succeed you also need timing, coordination and reflex in addition to fitness. Journalists from gaming sites have attested to finding the game challenging when they progressed in certain levels & not just in terms of stamina. What you are implying is that an aerobics instructor or somebody equally in shape should find no aspect of Wii Fit challenging, I don't think this will be the case. The whole point is to distract from the actual excersise with games and challenges.

4)See 1)

5)Why is Wii Sports not a traditional game? Because it uses a different input device? Because it's accessible? I'm really interested to hear your definition of a traditional game.

6)So rhythm games which use standard controllers are video games but ones which use input devices which require movement aren't? Even although the actual gameplay is near identical?

Hus said:

Grow up and stop trolling.

The majority of the activities in Wii Fit are not games but exercise and fitness activities. There are some games in it.

The reason why DDR is not a video game and it is a game is because you are dancing and the game itself is just a visualization of what you are doing and not actually the main experience.

Wii Sports is not a traditional video game because it has the players engaging in activities mimicing sports and not inputting commands into a game. Meaning this is a sports simulation game but not a traditional video game.

I never said DDR is not a game, it's just not a video game. Wii Sports is a video game just not a traditional one, but rather an activity simulator through motions, but in the case of Wii Sports the activity alone without the game would be pointless because it isn't actual tennis or golf or whatnot.

On the other hand in DDR you can dance and do steps without having the game in front of you and it would still be the same experience except you need to software for a visual representation and for score tracking to be easy.

Same way that Singstar is not a video game, it's a karaoke game. You are singing, the music and score and visuals and whatnot in the game are not the point of the activity, those are just tools in the same way that having a recording while singing is a tool.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Since the advent of the PS1 the whole gaming scene has become more casual, i recall an old copy of Edge magazine that covered the shift and it was generally greeted with negative comments. Games seemed to suddenly change from pure gaming to gaming with hours of pointless presentation, fmv, gimmicky extras and so on.
10 years later these people that were attracted to gaming by those things sit on message boards and tell everyone else whats casual and hardcore now.

To me, the hardcore value of a title depends on the player. Like others have mentioned, guitar hero could well be very casual, anyone can play it but if the player is devoted enough he can play it at an insane dificulty level, something you would have to be hardocre to do. the same applies to DDR, Elite beat agents, Beatmania and so on. Its more of an expansion of themes, not a casual/hardcore divide.

If you take a look at games 15 - 20 years ago, people may say that they were the golden years, no ddr, no wii sports, no gimicks etc but thats just backwards thinking, as more and more genre of games are invented, its common sense that some are easier,simpler or just plain unusual. It doesnt make them any less of a game.

It makes me laugh when they try to class the xbox and the 360 as a hardcore console, mainly becasue of its limited appeal and sales, a hardcore console was the neogeo and to me, the ultimate hardcore gamer would have been the neogeo gamer back then, Anyone willing to pay £150 - £250 on one game must eat, sleep and bleed videogame.


I spent much of my pocket money in pacman and galaga machines, and 20 years later im still here playing wii sports and resistance. I dont see why everyone is so keen to point at a gamer and ridicule him (or her) for playing a certain type of game. 

If the stuff you are playing on is just an added layer to the experience and not the experience itself then it is not a video game, it is a game.

Wii Sports would be pointless without the Wii or the game because waving a remote around doesn't make it a game on its own.

On the other hand Singstar, DDR or even Eye of Judgment can be played without the device and thus are not video games but games (eye of judgment is mainly a card game and can be played without the ps3).

Wii Fit in the majority of its activities can be done without the Wii. There are a few in it that are gams and need the Wii to have a point just as the sports in Wii sports do.

It's not a question of simplicity or ease of play but what a video game is versus what a game is that uses a video game machine for a song track or a visual representation or a score alone and doesn't have the software as the essential experience in the activity.

When it comes to casual and non casual games beyond the question of what is a video game then the purpose of the video game comes in. Games that are casual and core are ones that can appeal to both people who are trying to master the game and to those that will just play it to mess around (Guitar Hero and to a lesser extent gta and mario are kind of like that and appeal to both audiences).

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!