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Forums - PC Discussion - Capcom Lists Resident Evil 5 PC

akuma587 said:
I don't think that the RE franchise is a very natural fit for the PC, IMO. But that is just me. I don't really think Gears of War is a very natural fit either.


3rd Person games usually aren't since 3rd person is just a cop-out for the consoles so they wouldn't have to use 1st.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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noname2200 said:
bardicverse said:
Hmm. Thats some big news in my world, if it holds true. Silent Hill, Left for Dead, and Re5 available for the PC... might just make me skip getting an HD console and upgrade my box instead

That's the gamble I took, and it's paying off in spades so far. The games are cheaper, too, and you get the mods. On the other hand, you also have to wait a few weeks to play some games. I don't find that to be a problem, but if you've got to have it NOW, get a 360 or PS3.

Yeah, Im thinking the PC upgrade is the way to go, as I could use a new high end rig anyhow for stress testing our development title.I have no probs waiting for games, as I'm backlogged anyhow =)