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Forums - Gaming Discussion - New RE5 extended trailer (shows actual gameplay)

BenKenobi88 said:
It's due to disease, or a virus, not rituals though...they're not raising themselves back from the dead or anything...they're alive, they get taken over by the virus, and they become extremely aggressive and insane.

Yeah, I suppose they probably won't change that standard RE staple (god I hope not).  Anyway, I'll have a 360 by the time it comes out so if it's good I will certainly buy it, but without the people who made the RE series what it is, I have serious doubts about it.

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The lighting / shadows is harsher arround the equator, and dryer countries than elswhere. So it should appear so in a game set there, I'd have thought.

Can see why people might be concerned about the racist overtones to this game, were it not for the previous 5!! (Even though... the presentation of eastern europe seemed pretty skewed in 4). Wonder if this will cause them problems when the game's released.

Yeah I don't understand the lighting complaints. I think it's a great effect.

I think the lighting contributes greatly to the game's feel. When they asked Capcom about the game earlier on, the developers said there would be a huge contrast between sunlight and darkness and that will play a role in gameplay.

This is the first time that RE is going into such sunny areas correct? And where better to do that than in the heat of Sub Saharan Africa.

Also, I really don't understand how people are starting to get offended by the fact that it is in Africa. It's just the locale of the game, if this was in any other area I bet you there wouldn't be as much hesitation (at least on message boards online).

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

ckmlb said:
I think the lighting contributes greatly to the game's feel. When they asked Capcom about the game earlier on, the developers said there would be a huge contrast between sunlight and darkness and that will play a role in gameplay.

This is the first time that RE is going into such sunny areas correct? And where better to do that than in the heat of Sub Saharan Africa.

Also, I really don't understand how people are starting to get offended by the fact that it is in Africa. It's just the locale of the game, if this was in any other area I bet you there wouldn't be as much hesitation (at least on message boards online).

Heh, well actually I thought Eastern Europe was a bit iffy for a setting as well, but I loved that game so I probably shouldn't complain too much about Africa.