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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Epic find Gears 2 reviews “humbling”

"So, where did you read that? In your head?"

No, I read what Epic was saying in every press release that they have put out since E3. Then I flipped it over to IGN this morning to see what the review score was going to be expecting it to be a 10 because every time Epic ever talked about the game they said it was one. And what do I discover it to be a 9.5. Then, I thought well surely this is still better than Resistance II, let's see how it did. Then I look and see that Resistance II also had a 9.5. Then I looked a little later and noticed that IGN UK only gave Gears 2 a 9.2. Then, I looked again a little while after that, and I noticed that IGN AU had given the game an 8.9. Gadzukes! I felt so humbled for Epic that I almost cried.

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triplebph said:
"So, where did you read that? In your head?"

No, I read what Epic was saying in every press release that they have put out since E3. Then I flipped it over to IGN this morning to see what the review score was going to be expecting it to be a 10 because every time Epic ever talked about the game they said it was one. And what do I discover it to be a 9.5. Then, I thought well surely this is still better than Resistance II, let's see how it did. Then I look and see that Resistance II also had a 9.5. Then I looked a little later and noticed that IGN UK only gave Gears 2 a 9.2. Then, I looked again a little while after that, and I noticed that IGN AU had given the game an 8.9. Gadzukes! I felt so humbled for Epic that I almost cried.

I read in every press release that they have put out since E3 that they were going to put a chicken suit for Marcus in the game.

See how it's easy to say pretty much anything without any proof on the Internet? o_O


Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

"See how it's easy to say pretty much anything without any proof on the Internet?"

Well, if you want proof that it scored a 95, 92, and an 89 and that Resistance 2 received a 95, then just flip over to IGN and read the reviews.  Don't shoot the messenger, brother.

triplebph said:

"See how it's easy to say pretty much anything without any proof on the Internet?"

Well, if you want proof that it scored a 95, 92, and an 89 and that Resistance 2 received a 95, then just flip over to IGN and read the reviews.

He's not asking for score proof. He's asking you to prove that Epic was saying Gears 2 would score a 10 ever since E3.

Dolla Dolla said:
triplebph said:

"See how it's easy to say pretty much anything without any proof on the Internet?"

Well, if you want proof that it scored a 95, 92, and an 89 and that Resistance 2 received a 95, then just flip over to IGN and read the reviews.

He's not asking for score proof. He's asking you to prove that Epic was saying Gears 2 would score a 10 ever since E3.


Plus I do not really think Mike Capps is only talking about the IGN reviews, you do know that is averaging something around a 9.5 do you??

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I couldn't find the two articles that I was looking for. But I do remember reading one that said Epic says Gears 2 takes it to 10 and I remember an article where Blezensky is talking about how much better Gears 2 was going to be. Besides all Gears fans were saying that Gears 2 was going to get a 10 ever since MGS 4 and GTA IV got them. And they act as if Gears 2 still got its 10 even though the website that gave GTA IV and MGS 4 both 10's did not give this score to Gears 2, and they only listed it with a lower order of games this year that have received 9.5s.

triplebph said:
I couldn't find the two articles that I was looking for. But I do remember reading one that said Epic says Gears 2 takes it to 10 and I remember an article where Blezensky is talking about how much better Gears 2 was going to be. Besides all Gears fans were saying that Gears 2 was going to get a 10 ever since MGS 4 and GTA IV got them. And they act as if Gears 2 still got its 10 even though the website that gave GTA IV and MGS 4 both 10's did not give this score to Gears 2, and they only listed it with a lower order of games this year that have received 9.5s.

Everybody knows sequels in the same generation, normally don't get higher reviews or at least it's harder to do. And BTW gears 2 is better (than gears 1), they improved on many things. And why are you talking only about the IGN reviews again? If it stays this way it might end up with a higher score than MGS4 on average. Honestly while reading your post again I do not really understand what your actually trying to say or what you mean.


Here are a few links and excerpts that demonstrate the use of "humbled" in the context of receiving high praise. And it's not just an American use of the expression, as shown below.
"Mr Giuliani said he was humbled by the honour."
"McWilliam’s Mount Pleasant Chief Winemaker, Phil Ryan, said he felt humbled by all the accolades and felt proud that Hunter Valley Semillon and in particular the Lovedale Vineyard, the special, single piece of land that creates the wine, was receiving recognition as the world’s best."
"Television presenter Gloria Hunniford has revealed how she was "humbled" after learning her best-selling book on daughter Caron's battle with cancer was shortlisted for a prize at the British Book Awards."

And the list goes on and on. So, can we drop the line of argument that humbled can't be used in this context?

Apparently some people will use the smallest thing to try and stealth troll a game or read into something that isn't there. Simple reading comprehension should make it 100% clear what he meant by his statement.

This thread has probably gone on way longer than it should.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection

this is hilarious.
You guys keep going on about how it was a term of thanks.

I have now repeated for the third time that I thought the title was misleading. People can't read I'm guessing?

Or maybe have no patience to read, regardless, both prove your ignorance.

You guys should read my posts and see how I've been talking about the OP title. You all need to be slapped.