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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is Gears 2 The New Benchmark For Video Games?

Yes it dose it just looks that good.

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

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Looking at the Gtrailers review and other video, I would say it has at least graphical touches that nothing else can come close too. And GOW melodrama is just hilarious. I wouldn't say that its THE benchmark as I don't think there is in console gaming right now, but I would say its one of the best games in a long time.


acorrding to metacritic gears has a 95 which puts it up there as been ONE of the best games around. Like many things in life though its all down to what you like as a person. People opinions differ in many ways like many people think uncharted looks better than the first gears I tend to disagree does that make me right lol ofcourse not. If we go by the reviews then gears 2 is up there as been one of the best along with LBP(95 to) Bioshock(96 360 version) orange box(96 360 version) and ofcourse MGS4 call of duty 4(94) and the one with the highest rating gta4(98). Goodtimes.

Every generation has the huge new games that stick out that gen and continue for many generations to come...

8 bit - Mario, Zelda, Contra, Castlevania etc...
16 bit - Sonic, Final Fantasy, Street fighter, Mortal Kombat
32 bit - Resident Evil, GT, Tekken

Gears of war I believe is the main new franchise this gen. I'm not sure that makes it a gaming benchmark though...

C'mon, OP! Heh, heh. Gears 2 can't be THAT good, can it? I mean it's probably not even a huge step above Gears 1, right? Heh, heh. Right? I'm not saying this because my 360 just died. I sincerely believe this...........

*flees internet in tears*

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d21lewis said:
C'mon, OP! Heh, heh. Gears 2 can't be THAT good, can it? I mean it's probably not even a huge step above Gears 1, right? Heh, heh. Right? I'm not saying this because my 360 just died. I sincerely believe this...........

*flees internet in tears*

Nice one I read your thread on your misfortune.

Has to be worth a 100 bucks to play this.





SHMUPGurus said:
Xen said:
You're trying to be funny, right? seriously, how can it be a benchmark game?


- Is the framerate constant with over 50+ Locusts on screen? Checked!

- Is the multiplayer bringing new things to the table and still fluid? Bots? Checked!

- Is the gameplay different from what we've seen before Gears? Checked! (I mean, look at all those FPS utilizing the cover system now, Quantum of Solace and Killzone 2 comes in mind)

- Is the environment destructible? Checked!

- etc.

A game's engine makes all the difference IMO. Staples like these need to stay there for a genre like this one (FPS, TPS), but I agree that it probably doesn't work (or doesn't need to be there) for all game genres. can say the same about Resistance 2 for example:

- Is the framerate constant with over 100+ enemies on screen? Checked!

- Is the multiplayer bringing new things to the table and still fluid? The biggest online FPS in consoles? Checked!

- Is it bigger than the previous) Checked!

- 8 player online co-op? Checked!

- Different story mode for online coop? Checked!

- No lag, I mean...0 lag? Checked...



The fact is that Gears is an amazing game, amazing graphics...better than resistance...worst in the multiplayer side.

To say taht is the new benchmark...ummmm


I am still shocked with Metal Gear Solid.



Afterman said: can say the same about Resistance 2 for example:

- Is the framerate constant with over 100+ enemies on screen? Checked!

- Is the multiplayer bringing new things to the table and still fluid? The biggest online FPS in consoles? Checked!

- Is it bigger than the previous) Checked!

- 8 player online co-op? Checked!

- Different story mode for online coop? Checked!

- No lag, I mean...0 lag? Checked...


The fact is that Gears is an amazing game, amazing graphics...better than resistance...worst in the multiplayer side.

To say taht is the new benchmark...ummmm


I am still shocked with Metal Gear Solid.


I was mostly referring to staples in the genre that should always be there. You are right, both games are bringing new stuff that shouldn't be overlooked.

Random game thought :
Why is Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 getting so much hate? We finally get a real game and they're not even satisfied... I'm starting to hate the gaming community so f****** much...

Watch my insane gameplay videos on my YouTube page!

One benchmark it is likely to set is sales for this holiday season. I doubt anything will come close!


i thought it was interesting how eurogamer said resistance 2 didn't have enough effects in a modern shooter like "motion blur".

"Hey I liked gears of war. Tthis game is different from gears of war, so it's stupid."