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SHMUPGurus said:
Xen said:
You're trying to be funny, right? seriously, how can it be a benchmark game?


- Is the framerate constant with over 50+ Locusts on screen? Checked!

- Is the multiplayer bringing new things to the table and still fluid? Bots? Checked!

- Is the gameplay different from what we've seen before Gears? Checked! (I mean, look at all those FPS utilizing the cover system now, Quantum of Solace and Killzone 2 comes in mind)

- Is the environment destructible? Checked!

- etc.

A game's engine makes all the difference IMO. Staples like these need to stay there for a genre like this one (FPS, TPS), but I agree that it probably doesn't work (or doesn't need to be there) for all game genres. can say the same about Resistance 2 for example:

- Is the framerate constant with over 100+ enemies on screen? Checked!

- Is the multiplayer bringing new things to the table and still fluid? The biggest online FPS in consoles? Checked!

- Is it bigger than the previous) Checked!

- 8 player online co-op? Checked!

- Different story mode for online coop? Checked!

- No lag, I mean...0 lag? Checked...



The fact is that Gears is an amazing game, amazing graphics...better than resistance...worst in the multiplayer side.

To say taht is the new benchmark...ummmm


I am still shocked with Metal Gear Solid.