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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Gamerankings: Battle of the first party publishers


XBox 360

Company Statistics
Coverage: MAC, PC, X360, XBOX
Number of X360 Releases: 46
Number of X360 Pre-Releases: 19
Company's Avg Ratio For X360: 73.1%
Company's Avg Vote For X360: 7.4
Number of Reviews For X360: 2066
Number of Previews For X360: 3503
Average Number of Reviews per Title For X360: 45
Average Number of Previews per Title For X360: 184





Company Statistics
Coverage: MOBILE, PC, PS, PS2, PS3, PSP
Number of PS3 Releases: 59
Number of PS3 Pre-Releases: 17
Company's Avg Ratio For PS3: 73.2%
Company's Avg Vote For PS3: 7.8
Number of Reviews For PS3: 1699
Number of Previews For PS3: 2033
Average Number of Reviews per Title For PS3: 29
Average Number of Previews per Title For PS3: 120


Company Statistics
Coverage: MOBILE, PC, PS, PS2, PS3, PSP
Number of PSP Releases: 47
Number of PSP Pre-Releases: 5
Company's Avg Ratio For PSP: 75.7%
Company's Avg Vote For PSP: 7.3
Number of Reviews For PSP: 1964
Number of Previews For PSP: 1548
Average Number of Reviews per Title For PSP: 42
Average Number of Previews per Title For PSP: 310





Company Statistics
Coverage: DS, GB, GBA, GBC, GC, N64, PC, SNES, WII
Number of WII Releases: 39
Number of WII Pre-Releases: 7
Company's Avg Ratio For WII: 75.1%
Company's Avg Vote For WII: 8.7
Number of Reviews For WII: 1365
Number of Previews For WII: 1502
Average Number of Reviews per Title For WII: 35
Average Number of Previews per Title For WII: 215


Company Statistics
Coverage: DS, GB, GBA, GBC, GC, N64, PC, SNES, WII
Number of DS Releases: 70
Number of DS Pre-Releases: 8
Company's Avg Ratio For DS: 76.3%
Company's Avg Vote For DS: 8.1
Number of Reviews For DS: 2924
Number of Previews For DS: 2050
Average Number of Reviews per Title For DS: 42
Average Number of Previews per Title For DS: 256

Around the Network


Pixel Art can be fun.

Interesting stats, I did not realise Sony had published so many games for PS3

Do these include XBLA and PSN?

Anyway, I am surprised to see them all so close and for the PSP to be above Wii

Well the Wii has ratio among consoles and DS among handhelds and overall.
Interesting.. (again)

Pixel Art can be fun.

Munkeh111 said:
Interesting stats, I did not realise Sony had published so many games for PS3

Do these include XBLA and PSN?

Anyway, I am surprised to see them all so close and for the PSP to be above Wii


Yeah, it does include XBox Live Arcade, PSN and Wiiware games ... You can play around with various stats here:

I think the interesting thing is that the increased number of titles for the PS3 from Sony is actually hurting the average quality of title from them, and they might be better off killing some of their development teams who are working on weaker projects.