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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Top 25 Scariest Video Game Monsters

Not bad list as such - although it all depends on your view. For me the only really 'scary' monsters were in Silent Hill and System Shock 2 - plus Alma until you get used to her and some of the Stalker creatures. Spiders, 'jump' horror bosses and gore do not for me make scary.

They got Number 1 right though - good 'old Pyramid head remains the best realized scary creature ever in games IMHO.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

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i didnt watch the list as for me it's unquestionable which monster is the most scaring ( imo ) :

BONGO BONGO (haha, ye im serious )

when i played zelda ( i always read through the passages of my solution booklet before playing the actual passage ) i was maybe 8 or 9 years old and after bongo bongo smashed me dead for the first time i fetched my sister for the revenge because i was to scared to do him without ^^. the spiderboss ( which also killed me >_
in my opinion it was also the hardest boss in any 3d zelda ever ( defending its spot against the fish in MM )

yep...Pyramid Head at No 1.I'll never forget this game!!