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Forums - General Discussion - OMG... the Economist endorses Obama.

Not to take sides, but Robin Hood wasn't just stealing from the rich.

The legend: Prince John oppressively taxed the poor and abused his power in other ways (arguably with out the authority to do so). When King Richard returns he pardons Hood.

The real stories behind: Several lower aristocratic heroes (William Wallace is one you've probably heard of) in the history of the British Isles that stood up to the corrupt upper aristocracy to win freedoms for the poor or the gentry.

The real question is: Why do I know so much useless information?

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

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TheRealMafoo said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Were you born in America before the Depression or something?


never has a candidate before Obama run on a platform of taking from the rich to give to the poor. I know a lot have wanted to do so, but it was never part of there platform.

When your insulted by saying you want to "share the wealth", and you don't even realize it's an insult... and that wins you votes, this country has become something I don't recognize.


But we've had our highest tax bracket at 39.6% and way higher several times throughout history.  Why is it socialism when Obama does it but not Clinton or anybody else during the last century?

McCain can't have this socialism argument if he's also for a progressive tax code that taxes the rich to pay for the poor.  If McCain had a flat tax platform, he could seriously have the "Obama's a socialist who wants to redistribute the wealth" argument.  But since their tax plans are both progressive, it makes McCain's argument "the difference between 36% and 39.6% is SOCIALISM."  That argument isn't as strong, so nobody's buying it.

The Ghost of RubangB said:
TheRealMafoo said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Were you born in America before the Depression or something?


never has a candidate before Obama run on a platform of taking from the rich to give to the poor. I know a lot have wanted to do so, but it was never part of there platform.

When your insulted by saying you want to "share the wealth", and you don't even realize it's an insult... and that wins you votes, this country has become something I don't recognize.


But we've had our highest tax bracket at 39.6% and way higher several times throughout history.  Why is it socialism when Obama does it but not Clinton or anybody else during the last century?

McCain can't have this socialism argument if he's also for a progressive tax code that taxes the rich to pay for the poor.  If McCain had a flat tax platform, he could seriously have the "Obama's a socialist who wants to redistribute the wealth" argument.  But since their tax plans are both progressive, it makes McCain's argument "the difference between 36% and 39.6% is SOCIALISM."  That argument isn't as strong, so nobody's buying it.


Progressive tax is not socialism. it would be if 39% was the tax on everything some earns, but it's not. If I make 100k, and someone makes a million, we pay the same tax on the first 100K we make. In fact, we pay the same tax on the next 900K we make, I just am paying that tax on 0 dollars.

The problem is not with collecting more tax from the rich to pay for things, the problem is what you are paying for.

If you have 10,000 in expenses for infrastructure, and collect 9,000 of it from me, and 1,000 of it from Steven, I am OK with that. 

If you however have 10,000 in expenses + 2,000 in entitlements that you give to Steven, and collect 11,000 from me, I have a problem.

If the money is used on education and healthcare, this is actually a benefit to you and society. I admit, I am for consumer-subsidized healthcare and education as opposed to producer subsidized, but the money has to come from someone.

TheRealMafoo said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
TheRealMafoo said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Were you born in America before the Depression or something?


never has a candidate before Obama run on a platform of taking from the rich to give to the poor. I know a lot have wanted to do so, but it was never part of there platform.

When your insulted by saying you want to "share the wealth", and you don't even realize it's an insult... and that wins you votes, this country has become something I don't recognize.


But we've had our highest tax bracket at 39.6% and way higher several times throughout history.  Why is it socialism when Obama does it but not Clinton or anybody else during the last century?

McCain can't have this socialism argument if he's also for a progressive tax code that taxes the rich to pay for the poor.  If McCain had a flat tax platform, he could seriously have the "Obama's a socialist who wants to redistribute the wealth" argument.  But since their tax plans are both progressive, it makes McCain's argument "the difference between 36% and 39.6% is SOCIALISM."  That argument isn't as strong, so nobody's buying it.


Progressive tax is not socialism. it would be if 39% was the tax on everything some earns, but it's not. If I make 100k, and someone makes a million, we pay the same tax on the first 100K we make. In fact, we pay the same tax on the next 900K we make, I just am paying that tax on 0 dollars.

The problem is not with collecting more tax from the rich to pay for things, the problem is what you are paying for.

If you have 10,000 in expenses for infrastructure, and collect 9,000 of it from me, and 1,000 of it from Steven, I am OK with that. 

If you however have 10,000 in expenses + 2,000 in entitlements that you give to Steven, and collect 11,000 from me, I have a problem.


So when a person has $1,000,000 in the stock market on monday, and then the government bails out more companies and creates demand for stocks when it starts buy into banks driving their portfolio artificially 14% in one week to $1,140,000.

Why is that income of $114,000 only taxed 15%?


Hypothetical Steven and Reals health care benefits are of equal cost, but Reals portfolio got 140k in charity from the government.


Like I keep saying and you keep conveniently ignoring: The rich gain way more than the poor.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

Around the Network
TheRealMafoo said:
akuma587 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
steven787 said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
If you're Libertarian, aren't you as liberal as me on the social scale?  How is that not pathetic?

I'll like other states when they do something cool, but right now California is our capital for film, music, and technology.
See, this is what I don't get.  Why am I the only ex-Libertarian or Libertarian who votes dem.  You can vote away your economic freedoms and then bitch and complain to get them back but it's a lot harder to get your civil liberties back.
Two reasons. One is while I want abortion to be legal, gay marriage, legalizing drugs... all that stuff... in the end, none of that effects me directly. I am not gay, will never have an abortion, and don't do drugs (not illegal ones anyway).

And the other reason is if I did want to do those things, the government is very bad at stopping me. Abortion is legal, Drugs anyone can get, and if I was gay, I am sure 90% of my lifestyle would be permitted.

The government however is extremely good at taking away my economic freedoms. You don't pay your taxes, and they will find you.

So I vote for the freedoms that the government sucks at taking away. if a Libertarian had a snow balls chance in hell of wining, I would vote for him or her. The closest thing we had was Ron Paul, and look how that turned out.
So I should only vote on issues that directly affect me? That's just plain myopic.  That's the kind of attitude that kept women from voting, that allowed men to kill their wives without being punished by society, that kept black people in slavery, and that kept kids working in the coal mines for 80 hours a week.  That's the kind of attitude of someone who doesn't deserve to live in this country.

Next time I go to the polls I will only vote for any of the propositions that say, "The state of Texas will give akuma587 X amount of dollars in cash," and the ones that say "Akuma587 will be our unquestioned leader from now on."
When I vote not to spread the wealth, it's not my wealth I am voting to protect. How pathetic of an attempt to vilify me.

I think the government is good at taking away one thing, and bad at taking away another. I think they shouldn't take away either, so I vote in the direction that limits them taking away the thing they are good at taking away.

Sorry your small mind can't see that past your hate. How is it you care about anyone else? Sure doesn't show with regards to me. I guess I have to be poor for your to give a shit about me.

You implied that you don't care much about abortion, gay rights, and drug reform because you don't have personal involvement with those three things.  So, akuma587 says, since you're not a woman, does that mean you also don't care about women's rights?  If you have no children, do you not care about child labor laws or education? 

And on the subject of the government being bad at taking away civil liberties, perhaps you missed the whole "warrantless wiretapping" deal?  Or the many other perfidies of the Bush Administration?  Do you not care that people are being held indefinitely without trial, have been held for years without ever getting a lawyer or being charged with crimes, because you don't personally know any of those people?  Or because most of them happen to be a different color or religion? 

Oh yeah, and then there's the torture.  Maybe they have to be rich for you to give a shit about them?

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

It seems to me that TheRealMafoo is mad simply because Obama made him realize that the USA isn't as capitalistic and "free market" oriented as he once thought.

Why do I say that? Because Obama didn't really announce any fundamental changes to the working of USA's tax or economic system. Every single time someone presses TheRealMafoo on this matter, he ends up admitting that he's mad at Obama because he openly asserted that spreading the wealth around happens and will continue to happen in the US.

There's more to come though... All the economies in the world will be put to a great deal of stress in the next few months and years, and many people (including some formerly free market worshippers) will be clamoring for "Marxist" policies.

As an example, look at the American automotive industry, which is about to go belly up. I'm sure there will be plenty of socialism to go around in helping the affected people.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

NJ5, I just got slapped with a wet fish with your comment. It made clear, how a lot of my friends must feel. I feel their pain. I went through it over the past few years, as I was evolving my positions, but could never see it in myself.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

steven787 said:
TheRealMafoo said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
TheRealMafoo said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Were you born in America before the Depression or something?


never has a candidate before Obama run on a platform of taking from the rich to give to the poor. I know a lot have wanted to do so, but it was never part of there platform.

When your insulted by saying you want to "share the wealth", and you don't even realize it's an insult... and that wins you votes, this country has become something I don't recognize.


But we've had our highest tax bracket at 39.6% and way higher several times throughout history.  Why is it socialism when Obama does it but not Clinton or anybody else during the last century?

McCain can't have this socialism argument if he's also for a progressive tax code that taxes the rich to pay for the poor.  If McCain had a flat tax platform, he could seriously have the "Obama's a socialist who wants to redistribute the wealth" argument.  But since their tax plans are both progressive, it makes McCain's argument "the difference between 36% and 39.6% is SOCIALISM."  That argument isn't as strong, so nobody's buying it.


Progressive tax is not socialism. it would be if 39% was the tax on everything some earns, but it's not. If I make 100k, and someone makes a million, we pay the same tax on the first 100K we make. In fact, we pay the same tax on the next 900K we make, I just am paying that tax on 0 dollars.

The problem is not with collecting more tax from the rich to pay for things, the problem is what you are paying for.

If you have 10,000 in expenses for infrastructure, and collect 9,000 of it from me, and 1,000 of it from Steven, I am OK with that. 

If you however have 10,000 in expenses + 2,000 in entitlements that you give to Steven, and collect 11,000 from me, I have a problem.


So when a person has $1,000,000 in the stock market on monday, and then the government bails out more companies and creates demand for stocks when it starts buy into banks driving their portfolio artificially 14% in one week to $1,140,000.

Why is that income of $114,000 only taxed 15%?


Hypothetical Steven and Reals health care benefits are of equal cost, but Reals portfolio got 140k in charity from the government.


Like I keep saying and you keep conveniently ignoring: The rich gain way more than the poor.


Where did I say it was good to bail them out? I was vary much against the bailout. Thought it was a horrible idea from the start.

That needs to be fixed as well.

As for taxing stocks, that's tricky. the gain is perceived. I would probably tax the shit out of it when he sold it, and it became real income.

NJ5 said:

It seems to me that TheRealMafoo is mad simply because Obama made him realize that the USA isn't as capitalistic and "free market" oriented as he once thought.


No, I have known this for a long time. I am upset because we have a candidate that openly says we are not a capitalistic and a "free market", and if you vote for me, I will continue down the path away from those ideals, and the country is on board.

I would hope that a candidate that wants to bring us back to what we once were would run and win (Ron Paul), and not a candidate that wants to take us in the opposite direction.