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Forums - Sony Discussion - GOD WHEN IS HOME COMING OUT

I see Home eventually being released as an open beta and continuing to be an open beta from now until the PS4 when Home 2 is announced because it's never going to live up to everything people want it to be.

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There was some guy who works at Sony marketing in my R2 co-op game the other day, and he said the plan is to release the Home beta before christmas. A couple of the guys asked for beta keys, but he said access to Home is very restrictive still. He then offered us all the R2 beta codes we wanted so we could give them to our friends. he then was talking about how you can't access the online modes from the full game, so he had to use the beta to play with us.

Griffin said:
There was some guy who works at Sony marketing in my R2 co-op game the other day, and he said the plan is to release the Home beta before christmas. A couple of the guys asked for beta keys, but he said access to Home is very restrictive still. He then offered us all the R2 beta codes we wanted so we could give them to our friends. he then was talking about how you can't access the online modes from the full game, so he had to use the beta to play with us.


Yeah...about that guy...

twesterm said:
Griffin said:
There was some guy who works at Sony marketing in my R2 co-op game the other day, and he said the plan is to release the Home beta before christmas. A couple of the guys asked for beta keys, but he said access to Home is very restrictive still. He then offered us all the R2 beta codes we wanted so we could give them to our friends. he then was talking about how you can't access the online modes from the full game, so he had to use the beta to play with us.


Yeah...about that guy...


LOL, that was a good one.

Generation 8 Predictions so far.....(as of 9/2013)

Console that will sell most: Nintendo Wii U

Who will sell more consoles between Microsoft/SONY: SONY


They mentioned that the open beta would come out the same day the new xbox update would be there, 19th of november.

Hopefully for sony, they can keep this promise.

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Home > NXE

in quality of graphics and possibilities, NXE would never take that much time.

good software takes time but its already going to Quore, so it will be here soon.

A Home Beta will be released for everyone sometime in November and it's speculated to be launching Nov 19th to be exact (NXE launch day also)

with the PS4 or maybe they lost the exclusivity :D /jk

I have a Wii but I'am a moderate PS Fanboy Hoping for a PS3 price cut


Democracy is when 2 wolves and a sheep meet
to decide who is for dinner.
Liberty is when the sheep has a gun.

I don't think God reads these forums.

Unless... DKII???

Well does anyone care anymore....I mean honestly?

I feel & I am ashamed to see even I commited a similar crime:

HOME was hyped to hell at a time when PS3 literally didn't have much software at as soon as we saw HOME it was like a new reason to be excited about as we were told it would come out in the same year itself!

Now this year Ps3 is blasting great exclusive games out left, right & the traction towards home has gone down significantly.

Not to say that I was never excited for its still a cool prospect...I will probably use it.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey