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Forums - Website Topics - I personally think twesterm is the best mod in this site.

twesterm said:
Solid_Raiden said:
Making Music and Montanna > two ice cubes wedged between a turkey baster.


...I don't know what that means.


 Let me explain.

First, imagine a turkey baster. Now add two ice cubes wedged between said turkey baster.




Suffice to say, it's pretty freaking amazing.

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You mean one of these right?

Unless you mean it looks like a giant penis that has ice balls still don't think I get it. >_>

RolStoppable said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
@ Rol
Which was the mod who banned you for three days? I want to know so I can put in a good word for him.

ssj12 banned me, but only for two days. Apparently I said that the PS3 is a poor excuse for a gaming machine or something like that.

Another time I got banned for saying "Yes!", not quoting anyone. Clearly, the rules are enforced very strict here on VGC.


those were the days.

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Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453

(don't ban me plz)

bugrimmar said:
ssj12 < twesterm

(don't ban me plz)


im not a mod anymore.... so you dont have to worry... but i wouldnt have anyways

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
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oooh :O

then ssj12 suks... :P

ssj12 said:
bugrimmar said:
ssj12 < twesterm

(don't ban me plz)


im not a mod anymore.... so you dont have to worry... but i wouldnt have anyways

 You banned people for less than that before.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
ssj12 said:
bugrimmar said:
ssj12 < twesterm

(don't ban me plz)


im not a mod anymore.... so you dont have to worry... but i wouldnt have anyways

 You banned people for less than that before.

umm..... doubt it. There was normally an reason bigger then what was visible that I banned someone.

PC gaming is better than console gaming. Always.     We are Anonymous, We are Legion    Kick-ass interview   Great Flash Series Here    Anime Ratings     Make and Play Please
Amazing discussion about being wrong
Official VGChartz Folding@Home Team #109453
Gnizmo said:
ssj12 said:
bugrimmar said:
ssj12 < twesterm

(don't ban me plz)


im not a mod anymore.... so you dont have to worry... but i wouldnt have anyways

 You banned people for less than that before.


No need to turn this thread nasty, lets just keep this a celebration of me. 

twesterm said:
Gnizmo said:
ssj12 said:
bugrimmar said:
ssj12 < twesterm

(don't ban me plz)


im not a mod anymore.... so you dont have to worry... but i wouldnt have anyways

 You banned people for less than that before.


No need to turn this thread nasty, lets just keep this a celebration of me. 

I move that twestern is the greatest mod at sucking at being a mod.