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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I've figured out what DSi Ware is for

Thats what I'm hoping for. There are a ton of handheld games I missed.

Currently Playing: - Pokemon Sun - 3DS

3DS Friend Code: - 4339-3849-0940

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Oyvoyvoyv said:
I honestly have no clue what I meant there. Must have been something about how DS can't play GBA games off the hard-drive, just as Wii cannot play GC games of its hard-drive.

We already know the DS can emulate GBA games. Running from the drive is the same as running from the cartridge with regards to emulation. The Wii could play GC games from its flash storage, except that the storage isn't big enough. There's no performance issue. The DS could certainly store GBA games internally if you look at likely storage sizes.


It's so they make more $$ on old games. It's also so it gets region locked & u can't buy games from cheaper regions, again making Nintendo more $$. And of course they want DS whores to not buy their console once, not twice, but three times.

I would love to see some of the Game Gear games downloadable.

So nintendo can make even more money duh!

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arsenal009 said:
It's so they make more $$ on old games. It's also so it gets region locked & u can't buy games from cheaper regions, again making Nintendo more $$. And of course they want DS whores to not buy their console once, not twice, but three times.

As opposed to Sony who only wants you to buy the PSP once............


OT: I hope to see some game gear games on it.........some more Sonic on the go!

That would be awsome!

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izaaz101 said:
arsenal009 said:
It's so they make more $$ on old games. It's also so it gets region locked & u can't buy games from cheaper regions, again making Nintendo more $$. And of course they want DS whores to not buy their console once, not twice, but three times.

As opposed to Sony who only wants you to buy the PSP once............


OT: I hope to see some game gear games on it.........some more Sonic on the go!


Since when did this become a nintendo v sony thread?  Just cause sony does it as well doesn't make it right.

That would be a dream come true, Pokemon G\S\C here I come.