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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - I've figured out what DSi Ware is for

silverlunar777 said:

 the Wii's got some obsicure systemes I have never heard of)


The Turbografx and MSX had a much bigger unique library than Game Gear, etc. though.

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i think that a virtual handheld would be a really good decision for nintendo. would probablly reallse boost sales of the DSi

 nintendo fanboy, but the good kind

proud soldier of nintopia


I thought that's what it would be for too. Really, it's the smart thing to do.

There is no way the DS can emulate GBA. No way. It's exactly like how Wii cannot emulate GC. For the other handhelds though, that would be pretty awesome.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Oyvoyvoyv said:

There is no way the DS can emulate GBA. No way. It's exactly like how Wii cannot emulate GC. For the other handhelds though, that would be pretty awesome.

Huh? doesn't the DS alreasy emulate GBA through the GBA port? And doesn't the Wii play GC games?? What are you talking about??

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Um, Oyvoyvoyv.
I'm a little it confused here.

A backwards compatible console is incapable of emulation the previous console. This is true, but irrelevant. All you would have to do is trick the DSi into looking on its harddrive for gameboy games, rather than looking in the GBA slot

DSI ware could also allow companies that develop cell phone games in Japan to move their games to DSI ware which would allow western gamers a chance at playing those games. Like Final Fantasy IV the after, Japanese Love sims, or an other game created for cellphones in Japan. This would be a good Idea since most western Cellphones do not have the technology to play those games.

If Nintendo is successful at the moment, it’s because they are good, and I cannot blame them for that. What we should do is try to be just as good.----Laurent Benadiba


That idea came to my mind as you as soon as I saw that there would be downloadable stuff and no GBA slot. I hope it is that... Because it would be very convenient!

I honestly have no clue what I meant there. Must have been something about how DS can't play GBA games off the hard-drive, just as Wii cannot play GC games of its hard-drive.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I still think the best idea would be to

1. Allow all handheld games dl to Wii's VC.
2. Allow as many as possible, due to controller differences, of the console games to work on DSi.

This would allow the best possible experience to Nintendo gamers and would be a HUGE reason to own a DSi/Wii.

This should decrease either DSi or Wii sales as each system would still have plenty of games that could not be played on each other, therefore still making them distinctive.

I only see this for older games and a win-win for everyone.