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Forums - Sales Discussion - DFC Intelligence predicts PS3 to take 40-50% of current gen hardware sales

Phrancheyez said:
blackstar said:
i say 25 is the best they can achieve


LOL..yeah, by the end of next year=P  Considering your sig, you seem extremely anti-PS3 in almost every post you make..


lol , I'm not anti-ps3 , I'm realastic and I always hope that I'm wrong

Around the Network
tuoyo said:
scat398 said:
It's pretty clear from the article they are talking about Sony's total market share this gen not just the PS3.

In terms of total market share this prediction is probably pretty close. Considering the strength of the Wii and 360 it only makes sense that their share of the market is going to decrease.

So what does that mean?  PS2 sales since 360 came out + PS3 sales + PSP sales?  Even then it is hard to see how Sony could get anything even remotely close to 40% if you are counting it against Wii sales + DS sales + 360 sales. 



Using this formula, it does come close to 40% for Sony.


Sony 81,461,960 38.5%
Nintendo 108,600,469 51.3%
Microsoft 21,785,484 10.3%


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 26th Nov 2005 to 25th Oct 2008:

Console Wii PS3 X360 PSP DS PS2

WiiStation360 said:
tuoyo said:
scat398 said:
It's pretty clear from the article they are talking about Sony's total market share this gen not just the PS3.

In terms of total market share this prediction is probably pretty close. Considering the strength of the Wii and 360 it only makes sense that their share of the market is going to decrease.

So what does that mean?  PS2 sales since 360 came out + PS3 sales + PSP sales?  Even then it is hard to see how Sony could get anything even remotely close to 40% if you are counting it against Wii sales + DS sales + 360 sales. 



Using this formula, it does come close to 40% for Sony.


Sony 81,461,960 38.5%
Nintendo 108,600,469 51.3%
Microsoft 21,785,484 10.3%


VGChartz Hardware data for the period 26th Nov 2005 to 25th Oct 2008:

Console Wii PS3 X360 PSP DS PS2

Hmm!! It is quite close to 40%.  But the gap between DS+Wii+360 and PS2+PSP+PS3 is going to increase rather than decrease.


Biggest Pikmin Fan on VGChartz I was chosen by default due to voting irregularities

Super Smash Brawl Code 1762-4158-5677 Send me a message if you want to receive a beat down


wii 55ish
PS3 45ish
360 5

Make plenty sense to me.

NiKKoM said:
Ehm... isn't the bigger prediction that they expect that the PS3 will never break even?? So that it will never make any profit for Sony? Which is bad.. if true..

That's not much of a prediction.

It's already lost more then the PS2 made.

The PS3 isn't going to the PS2... and it isn't going to be better then the PS2...

So why would you expect them to break even or make a profit with the PS3?

Around the Network

Maybe...I'd like to see some figures behind those numbers, rather than jsut % tho.

"...You can't kill ideas with a sword, and you can't sink belief structures with a broadside. You defeat them by making them change..."

- From By Schism Rent Asunder

Gotta love the wording, "only" 40-50 percent.

Bet - "PES 2009 (PS3) will sell (closer to) 150k first week in Japan" - Pooperscopper
"It will sell closer to 125k" - Me I agree.

End of '09 Predictions:

Wii: 78 million
X360: 35 million
PS3: 27 million

I agree with the people saying 50 % of the HD console market.

Also, i'm thinking maybe they mean Software sales?

Kasz216 said:
NiKKoM said:
Ehm... isn't the bigger prediction that they expect that the PS3 will never break even?? So that it will never make any profit for Sony? Which is bad.. if true..

That's not much of a prediction.

It's already lost more then the PS2 made.

The PS3 isn't going to the PS2... and it isn't going to be better then the PS2...

So why would you expect them to break even or make a profit with the PS3?


It already is better then PS2, its online and PSn make it better.

As a gaming machine, its just better in just about every way.