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Forums - Sales Discussion - DFC Intelligence predicts PS3 to take 40-50% of current gen hardware sales

The truth is ... if Microsoft feels that they are losing ground to Sony ... they cut the price. I mean ... seriously if MSFT withdrew 50% of their cash from the bank ... it would be equivalent to a run on the bank.

Sony is barely floating on profits here ... they dont have a windows or Office to keep filling up the bank. Therefore cutting the PS3 price is difficult. They were able to cut it earlier when their TV's and cameras still sold and when Spiderman movie was still being released. Different story now.

DFC does not take into account each company's overall potential to move the market by their cash hoard. In addition, instead of cutting prices MSFT is bundling games ... which is much smarter move.

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25-30% is more reasonable
unless they're talking about HD gaming






starcraft said:
darthdevidem01 said:
And so another analyst bashing thread commences in






Come now.  If the same prediction were made about Microsoft you would be first in with the headkicking.

So you're a psychic now, along with being a contributor?

darthdevidem01 said:

you don't understand

ofcourseI disagree with them.....thats why I just said "right nalayst bashing begins in"

If i was getting "defensive" I would've added PS3 bashing in there too

Leave it to Starcraft to turn everything into an argument.

The PS3 has already started to really take off. I am very sure these analysts are expecting the system to spread like wildfire once the price drops down to the $299 and then $199 price points. Their is just to much Sony has going for the PS3. No other console comes close to matching the number of exclusive set for the next year on PS3. It will be imposible for MS or Nintendo to match Sony hit for hit on the software front. Sony just has to much internal development, and they continue to grow every year.

Blu-ray is going to become the standard well before this generation is over. No one is predicting new consoles tell at least 2012, with 2013 a possibility. Buy the end of 2010 Blu-ray will be over 40% of the market, and PS3 will be at $249, with stand alones reaching as low as $79. This can only help the PS3 as consumers look to get into the Blu-ray market, and research the best value they can get.

The only wildcard these analysts are betting on is the Wii momentum slowing down. It is really hard to predict what will happen to the Wii once the PS3 reaches an acceptable price point. The demand is obvious for the PS3 even at a above market price. I feel that with the conectivity between PS3 and PSP, the ever expanding PSN, the growth of Blu-ray, a unmatchable line-up of exclusive games, and price cuts the PS3 and PSP are going to continue to sell better and better. The less advanced Nintendo products will stat to suffer in the next year as Sony products fall to the mass market prices.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


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blackstar said:
i say 25 is the best they can achieve


LOL..yeah, by the end of next year=P  Considering your sig, you seem extremely anti-PS3 in almost every post you make..

Phrancheyez said:
blackstar said:
i say 25 is the best they can achieve


LOL..yeah, by the end of next year=P  Considering your sig, you seem extremely anti-PS3 in almost every post you make..

He's just lost a bit of hope. But deep down he still loves sony :)

BTW I think it's too early to predict how much the consoles will sell LTD. We will get a better picture when the ps3 hits mass market price.





Relias said:
Unless of course they don't consider the Wii an actual video game system... (Like many others Grumble Grumble) Of course then you couldn't consider the PS3 a video game system either... and then the only game system is the 360... and Microsoft wins??? No you know what your right... that don't make any damn sense what so ever.

Xbox 360 at 100% marketshare confirmed!

It's pretty clear from the article they are talking about Sony's total market share this gen not just the PS3.

In terms of total market share this prediction is probably pretty close. Considering the strength of the Wii and 360 it only makes sense that their share of the market is going to decrease.

scat398 said:
It's pretty clear from the article they are talking about Sony's total market share this gen not just the PS3.

In terms of total market share this prediction is probably pretty close. Considering the strength of the Wii and 360 it only makes sense that their share of the market is going to decrease.

So what does that mean?  PS2 sales since 360 came out + PS3 sales + PSP sales?  Even then it is hard to see how Sony could get anything even remotely close to 40% if you are counting it against Wii sales + DS sales + 360 sales. 


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