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Forums - Sony Discussion - IGN PST: "Missed Opportunities: Games the PS2 Needs from Wii/PSP"

Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

Whoa! chill guys, its just a article i found on IGN, in my honest opinion i hate the Wii, it equals garbage in my eyes which is why i have no clue at all why the IGN PlayStation team is getting so nit-picky. and if that wasnt directed to me mah bad. :P


... Yeah, sure that made things better :x


 o.0 whats up with these dissdia final fantasy avatars poping up everywere btw? O_o

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This is such a faulty article for so many reasons

If they're going to wish for Disaster: DoC, Fatal Frame and Arc Rise Phantasia on PS2 then I'm going to expect MGS4, Resident Evil 5 and FFXiii to come to the Wii

Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Majin-Tenshinhan said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:

Whoa! chill guys, its just a article i found on IGN, in my honest opinion i hate the Wii, it equals garbage in my eyes which is why i have no clue at all why the IGN PlayStation team is getting so nit-picky. and if that wasnt directed to me mah bad. :P


... Yeah, sure that made things better :x


o.0 whats up with these dissdia final fantasy avatars poping up everywere btw? O_o


Soriku made a thread with Dissidia-avatars, and most people went in and picked one.

Not many games I care about, but I'd love to see a port of Arc Rise Fantasia for the PS2