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Forums - General Discussion - Do you think Sarah Palin is "Hot"?

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My thread was called "Who here would bone Sarah Palin".

It got locked. Can't really argue with that.

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No. I don't find her attractive at all. She's a goofy lady too and that doesn't help.

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Palin was hot, now she is just old and crusty, and her voice is so annoying.

akuma587 said:
She's alright. I would probably go flaccid if she opened her mouth though. Her voice is like putting a cheese grader against a chalkboard.

Much better than Hilary's though



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lol, Tina Fey is hot plus she's smart and funny which makes her automatically uber hot for me.

rest of them are just some old witches.



no thanks

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Sarah palin is hot, but tina fey is hotter.

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