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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The J man has seen the light(fallout 3)

I wasn't all that impressed when I saw it at the Eurogamer convention yesterday.

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Its my GOTY so far. Gogogogo get it.


But..but...but...what about the legacy of Fallout 1 and 2?!?!? LOL.

JaggedSac said:
But..but...but...what about the legacy of Fallout 1 and 2?!?!? LOL.

To be honest since I've played 100s of games in my life I tend to rate games I played when I was younger a lot higher as they were much fresher experiences.

Compared to Fallout 1/2 I would say that this is a better game and it fits completely in the canon of the game. I seriously suggest anyone playing this game to really read, explore and experience it because theres a whole lot of content here.

Just playing the game I can see that they have spent a lot of time on it. The whole game is a polished experience and it seems to follow this kind of progression.

Phase A - Leave vault and go to megaton/explore area around it.

Phase B - Venture through the wastes, explore/experience the game

Phase C - End game, pretty much once you reach a certain point the game practically takes you by the hand and drags you to the ending.

My main gripe with this game is that it can be difficult to find your way in Washington DC.



SamuelRSmith said:
I wasn't all that impressed when I saw it at the Eurogamer convention yesterday.


 Well playing is different from seeing. This is the goty and you werent impressed?

N64 is the ONLY console of the fifth generation!!!

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jesus kung fu magic said:
SamuelRSmith said:
I wasn't all that impressed when I saw it at the Eurogamer convention yesterday.


 Well playing is different from seeing. This is the goty and you werent impressed?


 Well, I was watching people play, and I didn't feel urged to play it myself. It looked, to be frank, shit.