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Forums - General Discussion - Do you feel your life is boring?

When I was in high school I started a band that played a half hour version of "Bennie and the Jets" and it got me pretty popular.  Now I'm a world famous rock star  on VGChartz.

Remember, if you're going to play guitar, there's only 2 ways to do it:

1) like everybody else

2) like nobody else


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ctk495 said:
If anyone have any good advide that can help me feel free to post it I might not answer it since I have to leave.Did I forget to mention I've never have a girlfriend?
By the way thank's for everyone that has give me so advice so far.



Dont worry about never having a GF before it dosent matter at all I just girl and i really like her idk lol.But that girl you were talking about before in your class that you sit by just like start talking to her everyday. Just ask like hows your day going what did you do this weekend idk stuff lioke that get to know the girl =)

Proud Owner of  a Wii and Xbox 360 and a PS3(When I get the money)

just walk up to homegirl and be like "i'm pretty on my left i'm pretty on my right i'm so pretty i can't sleep at night" then grab her and walk off with her grinnin like a goof....if all ends well you should be getting your scrotum waxed :)

not at all boring. I spend all my time making films. when I'm on the computer I'm either editing or chilling. Not to mention I hang out with my mates all the time.

God yes, my life is sooooooooo boring.

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I enjoy my life sometimes...sometimes its just like 'whats the point'

I hope my 360 doesn't RRoD
         "Suck my balls!" - Tag courtesy of Fkusmot

dude go at her and say : i got candy want some?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

@Kirby and Baddmann. Rofl bad idea esp kirby. She may hurt the family jewels D=

Hell yeah, it`s boring! I can`t wait to die! I always wondered what`s in the other side! :D
It`s funny how older people say that they miss their youth, like it was the best time ever. So wait, this is it? This what I`m living here is the best time of my life?! God must`ve ripped me off or something!
But enough jokes, I`ll talk about me a little so you`ll see how much better your life is:
I`ve always been preety much a freak since I can remember. I have less than 5 friends (and by friends I mean, people who talked to me more than once). Always prefered my TV, videogames and computer. People are either scared of me (98% of the time) or are amused by how unusual I am. If I could, I`d probably never leave the house. Don`t get me wrong, it`s not like I try to scare poeple off or I try to be rude to them. Not at all. People just don`t seem to like someone who talks to themselves (out loud) when they`re walking on the street. Or someone who suddenly starts laughing for no apparent reason. Or someone that makes obscure movie references that only they understand ("What do you want me to do, put salt on her tail?").
I mostly do the same thing everyday. My major in college is something I`ve never wanted to do. I got the most boring job ever. And I don`t even aspire to be anything. I don`t want more money nor do I think I`d have more fun doing something else. I just don`t like to work. The job I have it`s pretty boring but it pays enough. I`m pretty much just waiting for death to come...
Feeling better about yourself yet?

Quem disse que a boca é tua?

Qual é, Dadinho...?

Dadinho é o caralho! Meu nome agora é Zé Pequeno!

heh. Life's only as interesting as you make, but without brains or ambition you are screwed. Fight to be the best in something,. and don't give up. If you aren't in high school yet, I recommend trying to graduate with the highest GPA. Even if you fail, you will have more self confidence, be able to get into at least a mid tier college. Get a 25 or above on your ACT (easy to do if you study at least 50 hour for it, I would tink a 30 is doable for most people if they have all A's in school already and study hard for the test).

If you do this and go to a good college and get all A's there and have at least average social skills, you should be able to get a 50-75K starter job right out of graduate school. Just make sure to pay off your student loans with your large salary. If you follow my advice you'll thank me later :D