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heh. Life's only as interesting as you make, but without brains or ambition you are screwed. Fight to be the best in something,. and don't give up. If you aren't in high school yet, I recommend trying to graduate with the highest GPA. Even if you fail, you will have more self confidence, be able to get into at least a mid tier college. Get a 25 or above on your ACT (easy to do if you study at least 50 hour for it, I would tink a 30 is doable for most people if they have all A's in school already and study hard for the test).

If you do this and go to a good college and get all A's there and have at least average social skills, you should be able to get a 50-75K starter job right out of graduate school. Just make sure to pay off your student loans with your large salary. If you follow my advice you'll thank me later :D