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Forums - General Discussion - Do you feel your life is boring?

Flow said:
ctk495 said:
SamuelRSmith said:
ctk495 said:
Flow said:
ctk495 said:

Nah porn is lame is the same thing over again I can't watch it is too lame.Although I'm considering getting a gf there is this hawt girl that sits next to me on chemistry class an I really like her but I don't know how to approach her I only lend her colors once and I don't know what to say.Any advice?


Start talking to her, get friendly with her and stay fit and with a sharp look.

Also, what makes life boring is the routine, not what's going on. Even banging models everyday should get boring eventually ( or am i wrong? I don't really know, that's not my life :P). What you need to do is to change this routine, pursue this girl is a good way to change the routine, don't become a stalker though. Even trying to get fit may break your routine.

No, wii fit won't help you much.

And beware, someday you may miss this routine.

Once I smile to her and she smiled back :) but I'm not sure like she is really hot and I'm kinda of a loser(although I'm still cooler than a 14 years old boy that likes rpg's and has almost 20k posts).Also there is a sort dance coming but to go you have to pay like 100 bucks for a couple and like 50 if it's only one person.I could invite her but I'll have to pay for her too since I heard she likes when boys pay for things rather than her.I don't know this might be my chance.She sat next to me on geography class this week too.



 What? No discount for bulkage? Hell, I'd expect a third person to be able to go in free...

Also, it's not TV, from what I understand there are no such things as "leagues" or shit like that. It's down to basic biology, you should understand that.

Mind you, if she is hot, you may have some competition, hot girls tend to aim high -> knock her down a couple pegs with insults now and again, break her down... then, when you help her up again, she'll fall for you like that *thumps fist*.

Ignore that last paragraph. 

I've seen her hanging out with older guys so I'm not sure if I'll have a chance.About the other thing once I told a girl that she was annoying and that not everyone is going to do everything she tells them to.But that didn't end up well since his older brother almost kill me and she cried up to this day I still feel bad for treating her like that.By the way by the end of the year she moved to another country :( but I think we has something since we met later on a hotel in one of   the caribbean islands.



If you got the cash to go to the caribbean, maybe there is a better way to get girls than body language, if you catch my drift, lol.

And when you reprehend girls, don't be mean, but try to be cocky and keep the mood flowing.

I'll tell her bitch here are 200 bucks be my gf  :)


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I'm the complete opposite. I use to be bored, but now I have so many things I need to do and fit into my day I don't have too much time where I'm don't have anything that I need to do. I guess join more extra curriculum activities, and hang out with friends more often and you won't be bored.

sc94597 said:
I'm the complete opposite. I use to be bored, but now I have so many things I need to do and fit into my day I don't have too much time where I'm don't have anything that I need to do. I guess join more extra curriculum activities, and hang out with friends more often and you won't be bored.



Yeah so how did you change your life sc? What happend?Back in the beggining of the year when you were here you posted alot an dedicated most of your time on hanging out in vgchartz? So why did you suddently change(not that it's a bad thing in fact it's good).

^ Yeah, we don't have to read as many of your posts anymore.

I kid, I kid.

If anyone have any good advide that can help me feel free to post it I might not answer it since I have to leave.Did I forget to mention I've never have a girlfriend?
By the way thank's for everyone that has give me so advice so far.

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ctk495 said:
sc94597 said:
I'm the complete opposite. I use to be bored, but now I have so many things I need to do and fit into my day I don't have too much time where I'm don't have anything that I need to do. I guess join more extra curriculum activities, and hang out with friends more often and you won't be bored.



Yeah so how did you change your life sc? What happend?Back in the beggining of the year when you were here you posted alot an dedicated most of your time on hanging out in vgchartz? So why did you suddently change(not that it's a bad thing in fact it's good).

I guess, though I didn't do as much things in the begginning of the year as I am now. Now I have school tile 4:30 last year I had it til 1:50.(Tons of extra subjects compared to last year). I also have Piano lessons(Monday,Thursday), and Japanese lessons(everyday I learn for an hour and a half). I also hang out with friends more now, and when I'm not doing those things I'm either A. Sleeping or B. Playing Video Games/Talking about them. So I'm just so busy anymore. After last week though only Monday and Tuesday I would get out at 4:30 opposed to every day of the week as it was before that so I have almost 3 more hours a day to do what I want.


by the way offering girls money/things isn't such a great route. I have a tendency to take what a guy is offering me and run. Earned $120 earlier this year from one guy that way :) hehe dude gave me $20 just for talking to him, and challenged me to a 1 cup beirut game saying he'd give me $100 if I won and he said he honestly demanded nothing from me if he won. So I won, knew he wanted more from me and went home with a couple of my guy friends :) Got to sleep in the bed of my ridiculously hot friend haha. Left that white supremacist douche with $120 less cash.

kid if you want a social life take the extracurricular activities advice. Hell if you play a sport it makes you instantly popular. I don't really understand this phenomenon myself but when I started playing lacrosse all of the sudden everyone loved me.

There are less clean ways to get to know people (partying, pot, etc) but I'm assuming you want to know the "good" advice haha.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

ctk495 said:
If anyone have any good advide that can help me feel free to post it I might not answer it since I have to leave.Did I forget to mention I've never have a girlfriend?
By the way thank's for everyone that has give me so advice so far.

Sounds like the girl is not the kind of girl who would be interested in you.  She seems like part of the more "popular" crowd, so odds are she is fairly superficial.  Its not that you can't go after attractive girls, its just hard to go after attractive popular girls.  I know from experience.  Plus, they usually aren't that interesting anyways.  Popularity is something that kind of disappears after high school, or at least turns into something far more realistic.  But people were actually pretty laid back in my high school.

What makes my life interesting is art.  Hang out with people who are really into music, movies, literature, etc.  They are generally the most interesting people I know.  And when you get into that kind of stuff, it really does change you into a better and more interesting person.  Music is a great place to start.  Really get into the music you like and go out and look for new kinds of music.  For me, really getting into music actually increased my confidence a lot, as it kind of helped me discover who I was around your age.  Plus knowing about art gives you interesting things to talk about.

Getting a girlfriend is a good idea, but you gotta be realistic, especially on your first girlfriend.  I am not saying you have to settle for just anyone, but its like hunting an adult gazelle versus a baby gazelle.  Your odds are just a lot better going after weaker prey. 

But basing your happiness around girls is generally a bad idea.  If you are only happy when you are with someone else, what does that say about you?  I mean who could be interested in you if you don't even think that highly of yourself? 

Chicks like guys who are confident.  That does not mean cocky, it means confident, someone who knows who they are and someone who isn't afraid of things.  You probably don't want to be with a girl who likes cockiness, as she is probably an idiot who likes being abused by people.


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

oh yes yes music. Find music you like and go to shows. I do that too.

Its fun, I used to supervise a place that had shows. I know people in many of the local bands, chat up the people in the bigger bands too although I doubt they'd remember me. I party with the bands, thats always fun.

Or you can chill with the scene kids at shows too. Some of them are annoying but some are genuinely chill. Thats probably more your age group.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

Moongoddess256 said:
oh yes yes music. Find music you like and go to shows. I do that too.

Its fun, I used to supervise a place that had shows. I know people in many of the local bands, chat up the people in the bigger bands too although I doubt they'd remember me. I party with the bands, thats always fun.

Or you can chill with the scene kids at shows too. Some of them are annoying but some are genuinely chill. Thats probably more your age group.

Indeed, people like that are either the coolest people ever or the biggest douches you can find.


We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson