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Forums - General Discussion - Do you feel your life is boring?

ctk495 said:
Flow said:
ctk495 said:
Flow said:
ctk495 said:

Nah porn is lame is the same thing over again I can't watch it is too lame.Although I'm considering getting a gf there is this hawt girl that sits next to me on chemistry class an I really like her but I don't know how to approach her I only lend her colors once and I don't know what to say.Any advice?


Start talking to her, get friendly with her and stay fit and with a sharp look.

Also, what makes life boring is the routine, not what's going on. Even banging models everyday should get boring eventually ( or am i wrong? I don't really know, that's not my life :P). What you need to do is to change this routine, pursue this girl is a good way to change the routine, don't become a stalker though. Even trying to get fit may break your routine.

No, wii fit won't help you much.

And beware, someday you may miss this routine.

Once I smile to her and she smiled back :) but I'm not sure like she is really hot and I'm kinda of a loser(although I'm still cooler than a 14 years old boy that likes rpg's and has almost 20k posts).Also there is a sort dance coming but to go you have to pay like 100 bucks for a couple and like 50 if it's only one person.I could invite her but I'll have to pay for her too since I heard she likes when boys pay for things rather than her.I don't know this might be my chance.She sat next to me on geography class this week too.



She just sat there or you two had any conversation? Getting close is not enough, you got to talk to her, son.

Also, how much of a loser you are? Are you hot, at least? She smiling back at you make it seem like she don't see you as a complete loser.

And i don't think it's a good idea to pay 100 bucks to this, lol. But if you are going, let her know and make her pay her part, this might happen if you get her to like you enough.

And learn some body language, i know i sound like these online dating sites but goddamn they will help you a lot if you master it, google it please.

I'll research about body language.Although I don't want her to think I'm a sort of creep or desperate also I've seen her hanging out with older guys with her friends so I wanted to ask if I have a chance or if I should just forget about it.



Don't seems like the kind of girl to be together with, but try to get some moments with her, why not?

Not looking like a creep or desperate is crucial, you won't be staring at her 24/7 to watch her body language, and learning it is nothing that you should be ashamed of.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

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SamuelRSmith said:
Flow said:
Also, i'm not really into the "impressing woman" thing but, a guitar is an amazing chick magnet, you should take it to school and learn a song she likes. Find out if she got the same musical taste, then you get major points combining those two things.


 Wow, Flow is busting out the good advice, here.


As a guitar lover, i tested this a lot myself :)

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

lolita said:
It is a little atm... It'll get much more interesting next year, after I move to my bf's in England.
Plus to have all of this gen's consoles+handhelds=win!
Of course, my bf is more interesting... The gamplay is much more fun than all consoles combined. >X3


" Remember, in England, an elevator is called a lift, a mile is called a kilometer, and botulism is called steak and kidney pie."

1 Point for the show.
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6 Points for the production code.

SamuelRSmith said:
ctk495 said:
Flow said:
ctk495 said:

Nah porn is lame is the same thing over again I can't watch it is too lame.Although I'm considering getting a gf there is this hawt girl that sits next to me on chemistry class an I really like her but I don't know how to approach her I only lend her colors once and I don't know what to say.Any advice?


Start talking to her, get friendly with her and stay fit and with a sharp look.

Also, what makes life boring is the routine, not what's going on. Even banging models everyday should get boring eventually ( or am i wrong? I don't really know, that's not my life :P). What you need to do is to change this routine, pursue this girl is a good way to change the routine, don't become a stalker though. Even trying to get fit may break your routine.

No, wii fit won't help you much.

And beware, someday you may miss this routine.

Once I smile to her and she smiled back :) but I'm not sure like she is really hot and I'm kinda of a loser(although I'm still cooler than a 14 years old boy that likes rpg's and has almost 20k posts).Also there is a sort dance coming but to go you have to pay like 100 bucks for a couple and like 50 if it's only one person.I could invite her but I'll have to pay for her too since I heard she likes when boys pay for things rather than her.I don't know this might be my chance.She sat next to me on geography class this week too.



 What? No discount for bulkage? Hell, I'd expect a third person to be able to go in free...

Also, it's not TV, from what I understand there are no such things as "leagues" or shit like that. It's down to basic biology, you should understand that.

Mind you, if she is hot, you may have some competition, hot girls tend to aim high -> knock her down a couple pegs with insults now and again, break her down... then, when you help her up again, she'll fall for you like that *thumps fist*.

Ignore that last paragraph. 

I've seen her hanging out with older guys so I'm not sure if I'll have a chance.About the other thing once I told a girl that she was annoying and that not everyone is going to do everything she tells them to.But that didn't end up well since his older brother almost kill me and she cried up to this day I still feel bad for treating her like that.By the way by the end of the year she moved to another country :( but I think we has something since we met later on a hotel in one of   the caribbean islands.


ctk495 said:
SamuelRSmith said:
ctk495 said:
Flow said:
ctk495 said:

Nah porn is lame is the same thing over again I can't watch it is too lame.Although I'm considering getting a gf there is this hawt girl that sits next to me on chemistry class an I really like her but I don't know how to approach her I only lend her colors once and I don't know what to say.Any advice?


Start talking to her, get friendly with her and stay fit and with a sharp look.

Also, what makes life boring is the routine, not what's going on. Even banging models everyday should get boring eventually ( or am i wrong? I don't really know, that's not my life :P). What you need to do is to change this routine, pursue this girl is a good way to change the routine, don't become a stalker though. Even trying to get fit may break your routine.

No, wii fit won't help you much.

And beware, someday you may miss this routine.

Once I smile to her and she smiled back :) but I'm not sure like she is really hot and I'm kinda of a loser(although I'm still cooler than a 14 years old boy that likes rpg's and has almost 20k posts).Also there is a sort dance coming but to go you have to pay like 100 bucks for a couple and like 50 if it's only one person.I could invite her but I'll have to pay for her too since I heard she likes when boys pay for things rather than her.I don't know this might be my chance.She sat next to me on geography class this week too.



 What? No discount for bulkage? Hell, I'd expect a third person to be able to go in free...

Also, it's not TV, from what I understand there are no such things as "leagues" or shit like that. It's down to basic biology, you should understand that.

Mind you, if she is hot, you may have some competition, hot girls tend to aim high -> knock her down a couple pegs with insults now and again, break her down... then, when you help her up again, she'll fall for you like that *thumps fist*.

Ignore that last paragraph. 

I've seen her hanging out with older guys so I'm not sure if I'll have a chance.About the other thing once I told a girl that she was annoying and that not everyone is going to do everything she tells them to.But that didn't end up well since his older brother almost kill me and she cried up to this day I still feel bad for treating her like that.By the way by the end of the year she moved to another country :( but I think we has something since we met later on a hotel in one of   the caribbean islands.



If you got the cash to go to the caribbean, maybe there is a better way to get girls than body language, if you catch my drift, lol.

And when you reprehend girls, don't be mean, but try to be cocky and keep the mood flowing.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"

Around the Network

oh jesus there is so much to respond to here

A.) learn the definition of emo, kids

B.) ctk495, what you have is a kiddie crush on a girl which is probably going to go nowhere. You can try getting to know her, but if you are too shy you should pursue a girl you feel less intimidated by. Might not be the one you consider the "one" but if you pick someone who is genuinely interesting it would probably benefit you greatly. You'd be upping your skills/confidence while making a great friend who will help shape who you are.

C.) trust me you don't want a life that isn't "boring". I keep getting sucked into sketchy business and I hate it and I keep making failed attempts at staying out of it. When you got cops accusing you of felonies you didn't commit the day after you you had a near death experience, you honestly would want that boring life back.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan

sometimes but then I go out someplace

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Moongoddess256 said:
C.) trust me you don't want a life that isn't "boring". I keep getting sucked into sketchy business and I hate it and I keep making failed attempts at staying out of it. When you got cops accusing you of felonies you didn't commit the day after you you had a near death experience, you honestly would want that boring life back.


 Now this warrants an epic thread in its own right.

Moongoddess256 said:
oh jesus there is so much to respond to here

A.) learn the definition of emo, kids

B.) ctk495, what you have is a kiddie crush on a girl which is probably going to go nowhere. You can try getting to know her, but if you are too shy you should pursue a girl you feel less intimidated by. Might not be the one you consider the "one" but if you pick someone who is genuinely interesting it would probably benefit you greatly. You'd be upping your skills/confidence while making a great friend who will help shape who you are.

C.) trust me you don't want a life that isn't "boring". I keep getting sucked into sketchy business and I hate it and I keep making failed attempts at staying out of it. When you got cops accusing you of felonies you didn't commit the day after you you had a near death experience, you honestly would want that boring life back.


I follow your advice thanks.

Moongoddess256 said:

C.) trust me you don't want a life that isn't "boring". I keep getting sucked into sketchy business and I hate it and I keep making failed attempts at staying out of it. When you got cops accusing you of felonies you didn't commit the day after you you had a near death experience, you honestly would want that boring life back.


True, sometimes you will want the routine and the boring back

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"