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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - is this possible ?

It's possible to play pirated games online and you pretty much have no chance of being banned from Xbox Live unless you're stupid and actually start playing a leaked copy before launch.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


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nordlead said:
NNN2004 said:
Simulacrum said:
Suprise?My friends are already playing it.


 really !!! then from where i can get one ?


if anyone answers this, they will probably get banned

i dont want to know then lol


NNN2004 said:
nordlead said:
I thought the game got leaked on some torrent sites or something like that about a week ago.


 but what i know that its impossible to play copy games online right ?


 It's possible that they played it off line and the when you go online Live will sync you acheivements.

Mistershine said:
NNN2004 said:
nordlead said:
I thought the game got leaked on some torrent sites or something like that about a week ago.


 but what i know that its impossible to play copy games online right ?


 It's possible that they played it off line and the when you go online Live will sync you acheivements.


I don't think Microsoft knows whether the game is a burnt copy.

There are also early review copies out there...


MS can't find out because burnt copies have stealth on them so you can do what ever you want to them and MS cant do anything....yet maybe later. btw gears 2 is a great game