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I blame the coasting strategy and the loss of 3rd party games like GTA, due to short term thinking and bad leadership. Today sony said:

Well the pressure comes from the consumers obviously and so therefore there's always pressure on price, but you know we have a business to run, and we have to make sure we're doing the right thing for the shareholders as well... At the moment there's a marketplace for PS3 and I think for this particular Christmas, with the kind of quality of games we're seeing coming out this Christmas, I don't think the price of the console is going to be an issue at all.

That, my friends, is called coasting. You are resting on your laurels. You are not competing. You are saying, "we can stay afloat without competing, well enough to make a profit, at least."

With Microsoft's agressive strategy and Sony's apparent lack of concern about it, I wouldn't be very shocked if Sony ended up 3rd this gen, and I would be mildly shocked if they weren't guarnteed that spot next generation.

They are more concerned with pleasing the shareholders immediately, than they are in the long term interest of their brand. Final Fantasy and GTA are no longer associated with their brand, for the exact same reasons, shareholders. Those are quite large games to disassociate from your brand FOREVER for simply a smaller loss in 1 quarter, consisting of 4 months. Somebody didn't want to get chewed out or fired, so they let GTA slip to a multiplat to save money. That's lack of leadership. Nobody is looking out for the big picture over there, at Sony, at least from a gaming division perspective. Letting some of these IP's dissassociate themselves from Sony was a bad move. A very bad move, and a costly one, though not necessarily in the same quarter the decisions were made.

A lot of you didn't believe my coasting theory had any merit. You believe it now, don't you?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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If price of PS3 is an issue I recommend that you hold off purchase of PS3 for a year or two, then we will see a price cut.
BTW: I am still holding off the purchase of a Wii until I see the Wii selling for half of today's price. Wii I will get in two years time.

I already own a PS3 and X360.

Well Importing a PS3 from Hong Kong is about 600 bucks shipped with the price conversion at the moment. And you loose the ability to play Aussie Blu-ray movies. starcraft, there is no way the PS3 is going to get a $200 price cut in Australia next year lol.
At least if you pay 700 for it now, you can get it with holiday bundles, so you save a bit there. All PS3s sold in Aus gets a free copy of LBP also =D.

Go cut yourself, we don't care.

You're not just making up imaginary friends and scenarios again in an attempt to make ps3 look bad are you?

Why don't you buy a Wii or 360 for him as you just can't justify PS3 price

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@Zen I completley disagree I don't think Sony ommited to act as they saw their most significant I.P's slip threw their hands , it's my belief that there was Simply nothing they could do . What 3rd party developer would stay loyal purely on the potential userbase of a single console ? What 3rd Party developer would stay loyal purely because of a consoles performance last gen ?.

You say they let these major I.P's slip how exactly would they have been able to secure GTA , FF , DMC or any other exclusive they lost for that matter , enter a bidding war with MS ? Not possible , Buy every 3rd party developer with killer exclusives ? highly improbable .

Sony didn't anticipate the threat the 360 would pose but around the time of the PS3's , they had been destroying the games market for about 11 years with the PS1&PS2 so there was likely a real mentality of success about them I wouldn't call it arrogance , they were in a position of victory and they aimed to use their "continued success" to make even more profit for Sony (Blu-Ray).

anyone talking about pouring reserved profits into securing exclusives already affiliated with the Sony brand via contractual agreements would have likely been fired on the spot , why waste money on 3rd parties who were literaly at their feet ?.

You could call it bad leadership or complacency i'd like to think of allowing their sucess hinder their ability to anticipate change in the market.

--OkeyDokey-- said:
Go cut yourself, we don't care.


What in the Hell


Starcraft, if it matters, I feel ya. I'm not sad, no, but I would also like a PS3 and cannot justify buying one right now. Those are some cool games I could be playing.

relax pal...he's in Crysis

starcraft you need to get a job and stop living off government handouts. With a job, starcraft can afford a PS3.

Everything in Australia is expensive. We have amongst one of the highest costs of living in the world. Compared the the USA, the USA is cheapskates land.

I grew up in Australia and when my relatives or international friends at uni from overseas come by they always complain about the price and how expensive it is in Australia.
