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My bear minimum i want is 3.75 but I' am aiming for 4 Ghz

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

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Thermalright True heatsink

120mm fan with 100+CFM will work with most good air coolers like the True for up to 4ghz. Total cost would only be about $120.

If you want to mess around with WC instead, that's your call. Just know you're getting into beforehand. Much higher cost, more time to install/set up, lower margin for error. Plenty of options at the link above if you go that route.

mtofu said:
how much is this gear going to cost him? i'm also interested in building a computer but it sounds like it's a pretty expensive en devour.

how much did your systems cost you and how good is it relative to what is available now at the same cost?


it's really not that bad. I was pretty aprehensive about building my own computer because i hadn't built one in so long along with cost and all that. That fear was misplaced though, as I built my tower for $680 all in without any major hiccoups. Consdering I built mine with osx86 compatibility in mind and that canadians pay more for the same thing, you could easily build a nicely spec'd one around the $400 range, as demonstrated by Squallim's cheap PC build threads.

Demon's Souls Official Thread  | Currently playing: Left 4 Dead 2, LittleBigPlanet 2, Magicka

Are you using dual-boot with OSx86? Once I get my OC system stabilized, I was planning on installing Atkos 2.0 and adding a second boot drive with OSX on it.

At this point, it has nothing to do with hardware stability (Q6600 OC to 360x9 - 3.25ghz @ 1.28V 40C idle) and everything to do with Windows. friends... that's all I'm going to say

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Squilliam said:
mtofu said:
how much is this gear going to cost him? i'm also interested in building a computer but it sounds like it's a pretty expensive en devour.

how much did your systems cost you and how good is it relative to what is available now at the same cost?


 Not sure, but he seems to want high end.

I could work out a chump box for you if you tell me aprox how much you want to spend.

cool. if it's not too much trouble to get around these price points give or take $200.




... if you could also give me an idea of how much better each system is compared to the next that'd be helpful since component names won't mean that much to me. Thanks!


I would like to thank everyone who has helped me building my system so far. I have set up a plan of what im buying in what order starting from cheapest to most expensive and whats going to lower in price with time. I have a feeling Vista's price will increase in time once it starts to overtake XP. Seeing how for a builders version is cheap and i have a feeling it will raise if i wait too long the next peice i bought was the OS. Should software be part of the computers total price? For an OS i beleive so. It's required to run the system. So i will be treating it as a computer price total.

New part: Windows Vista Home Premium System Builders Edition 64 bit.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Bought another piece.

XIGMATEK HDT-S1283 120mm Rifle CPU Cooler

I'm still looking for a case so some help there would help. I want something huge to fit everything im putting in it, and i want something with a crap load of fans for obvious reasons. LEDS i have to admit....I' am a sucker for.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Ok so i know people arn't really reading this anymore....but it still helps me keep track. Also if someone does happen to read it and has any suggestions then suggest away.

I have a few friends with gaming pc's they said my heat sink was a nice one but for the amount of power im going for i should get a Zalman 9700. Took my xigmatek back and saw that 9700 and looked up some reviews.....looked like the right choice to go. Not only that but it looks frickin awesome. Picking one up tomorrow.

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2

Well I found a case I wanted and on sale too. Sale ends today so i was glad i took a stop by to see some cases. It was the one i was originally looking at too so im pretty happy with it.

Antec Twelve Hundred Black Steel ATX Full Tower Computer Case

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2