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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Yay! Xbox 360 kicking butt this week in Canada

I live in L.A. so I don't even know what Rogers is.

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to coca-cola: its like verizon wireless


where abouts of LA are you from? I just moved from LA ( to canada :/ )

My local Blockbuster knows my voice when I call o.0

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
McPancak3s said:

to coca-cola: its like verizon wireless


where abouts of LA are you from? I just moved from LA ( to canada :/ )



haha thats such a chill place! i was in santa monica

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McPancak3s said:

haha thats such a chill place! i was in santa monica

Santa Monica is too pricey for me. and too crowded.  but a beautiful place nevertheless.

Good luck in canada.  Gotta be different!


hah you're telling me! its crazy different here, especially since i live in this little small farm town kinda place... total culture shock lol