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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - A possible use for the DSi camera: play DS games on your TV?

I was just thinking, every one of Nintendo's previous handhelds has had a way to play them on your TV--the Super Game Boy for GB and the Game Boy Player for GBA.  A lot of people would like to see this on the DS, but there's the obvious problem of needing to watch where you're putting your thumb/the stylus.  Of course, there would be no way to translate this over to a tv screen with the DS Lite.

Now, I was thinking, one of the features of the DSi is a camera mounted on the bottom of the top screen.  Given that, wouldn't it be possible for the camera to be used to show the position of your thumb on your television screen?

What I'm suggesting is this: the television screen is split in two, top screen on the top half, bottom screen on the bottom.  I'm wondering if the DSi camera, aimed downward, could project your thumb on top of the touch screen, allowing you to play DS games on your TV with relative accuracy?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
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No thoughts?

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."

I don't think it would work. It's a cool idea though.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.