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Forums - Sony Discussion - Bioshock religious references MUST BE RECALLED!

I assume the topic starter didn't actually play the whole game? Cause I found the whole game a pretty compelling example of what might happen to a society completely void of any ethics. And as such it could be seen as support for a society build on the moral values of Christianity. Besides, there are more references towards Christianity, like some opponents singing "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the bible tells me so...."

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I assume the topic creator is talking about the double standard of letting a game having a guy crucified while recalling a game that contains a game with quotes from the Qu'ran for those that don't get it.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


Godot said:
I assume the topic creator is talking about the double standard of letting a game having a guy crucified while recalling a game that contains a game with quotes from the Qu'ran for those that don't get it.



why is it ok to respond to his complaints about having his religion mocked like you guys have but Little Big Planet gets pulled for the mere mention of 2 lines from the Koran? and everyone is ok with it. how much money do you think that move cost Sony? was that a pre-emptive Islamic terrorist strike on Sony? neither game should be recalled. its called freedom of speech

Million said:
There's this new drink called "STFU" maybe you should try it some time.


are they available at 7-eleven, sike just kidding but seriouslly wtf it's just a game and they can just patch it not recall it 

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Godot said:
I assume the topic creator is talking about the double standard of letting a game having a guy crucified while recalling a game that contains a game with quotes from the Qu'ran for those that don't get it.


Yep. My personal opinion is that everything must be allowed or nothing must be allowed. You can't pick and choose.

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Have none of you ever read Atlas Shrugged? The bible "smuggler" being crucified as the worst of all possible parasites is a direct reference to the rightful place of religion in Ayn Rand's worldview. By rightful place, of course, I mean no place at all. There is nothing more destructive in society, any society, then the presence of religion and as such the most devious, devilish and damned man is the man who chooses (and it IS a choice) to be a missionary.

I can't say I wholly disagree with the people around the world who scare off, or even sometimes kill, missionaries in places like the Middle East, Asia and the like. They clearly don't want the BS preaching; that BS has already ruined a large portion of America (abortion clinic bombings, bigotry, Prop 8, Sarah Palin being a possible president and Bush being a current president...ect ect ect) and Europe (the Inquisition, the Holocaust, the endless wars around the reformation, the Crusades ect.) why in the world should anyone be allowed to spread that destructive Christian nonsense to the paradise Andrew Ryan was trying to create...or anywhere else for that matter.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

Im sorry that it offends you, maybe you should return your copy? I guess its your right to choose. SONY did what it did out of choice and not compulsion. No one announced a fatwa or a ban but they had the good sense to do a product recall before some idiot decided to gain political mileage out of LBP! MS is not releasing fallout3 in india either and that makes sense. Funny how no one mentioned this since the 1 yr this game has been available on the 360

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

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5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business


I think the Bible should be recalled due to the obvious and explicit religious references.