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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which Wii FPS should I buy?

So I've been tossing up between Call of Duty: World at War and 007: Quantum of Solace.. So I was wondering which game you all thought would be a the better Wii game..

What features does one have over the other? Thanks :)


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I'd bet on CoD, Bond games have been pretty meh past few years.

COD5, the gameplay vids looked great

I must admit I am siding with Call of Duty so far but I'm wondering if it has split screen multiplayer.. Also I have a softspot for all thing 007 so I don't know.. lol


Aj_habfan said:
I'd bet on CoD, Bond games have been pretty meh past few years.


 That's because of EA after Goldeneye they "ruined" Bond let's give Activision Blizzard a chance.

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What little has been seen of QoS looks terrible, and it's not a good sign when release is a few weeks away and there are barely even screenshots available, let alone gameplay video.

They haven't shown much of CoD: WaW, but at least they don't seem to be ashamed of the Wii version. If you're going to buy before reading reviews, I'd buy this one.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

"What little has been seen of QoS looks terrible, and it's not a good sign when release is a few weeks away and there are barely even screenshots available, let alone gameplay video.

They haven't shown much of CoD: WaW, but at least they don't seem to be ashamed of the Wii version. If you're going to buy before reading reviews, I'd buy this one."

I see your point here.. But does anyone know what features one may have over the other? Or just what game has in general?



Get Medal of Honor: Heroes 2. It's really good! Also, get Metroid, if you don't have it. Other than that, there are no good FPS in Wii. I've tried them all.

I have Metroid lol and I live in Australia so no EA can go screw themselves before I buy MoH: H2


So far I'm leaning to COD b/c the Wii Bond game hasn't really appeared on the radar with a trailer or anything, and the only screenshots floating around are months old, and from an early build. I'll eventually get both but COD is my priority.