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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft getting sued hard, (vid)

video about the lawsuit being filed against MS about the RROD and how they knew about it before launch,

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MS already spent a ton to extend warrenties, replace systems, ect. I highly doubt this will hold up considering the measures already taken. Sounds like they are reaching in the hopes of lining their pockets.....,it's kinda sad....really.....T_T....!

Serves them right. Haha would love to see how it played out... um MS yea um here to give you a cake of appreciation... really... no gamers are suing you for a negligent release of faulty hardware... you just got served.

Good for them (the ones doing the suing). If they can prove that MS knew their console was a dud and released it anyway they deserve to be taken for their profits plus a refund. How is that different then other negligence cases where car manufacturers have ignored brake problems or what have you? I mean sure the consoles dying isn't as dramatic as an exploding car, but even still, its a fraud perpetuated on the consumer and should be punished.

I'll certainly be going after my check if this goes through, thank goodness I live in CA.

 PSN ID: ChosenOne feel free to add me

plus there was that story just a short while ago from that ex MS employee talking in depth about how they knew the consoles were faulty but rushed them out to get the head start, kind of messed up, its like undercooking a burger to get it out quick and then having the person who eats it get sick off it.

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there's absolutely no way at all they could have tested those things and NOT known they were built poorly, heres the article i was talking about

it doesn't really matter... steps have already been taken to fix the problem so they are likely to get next to nothing... and class action lawsuits rarely benefit the users.

it will probably come tack to bite them in the *** in the next generation.

The thing I find most offensive is how long they dragged their feet in improving the reliability. Its only realy now, 3 years down the road that 360's are any where nears as reliable as they should be.

Extending warranties and all that stuff is M$ doing the cheapest thing possible to not get sued or trouble from government's for their product. They would have had a team of accountants type people, figuring out what was cheaper, fix the problem properly, quickly or stick band aids on it and take their time. They took the cheap option at consumers expense.

Its gonna RROD will hurt M$ more next gen than this, who is gonna be a early adopter with their history now. If a console has a slow start it never recovers, 3rd party support dies, etc etc


misteromar mk4 said:
The thing I find most offensive is how long they dragged their feet in improving the reliability. Its only realy now, 3 years down the road that 360's are any where nears as reliable as they should be.

Extending warranties and all that stuff is M$ doing the cheapest thing possible to not get sued or trouble from government's for their product. They would have had a team of accountants type people, figuring out what was cheaper, fix the problem properly, quickly or stick band aids on it and take their time. They took the cheap option at consumers expense.

Its gonna RROD will hurt M$ more next gen than this, who is gonna be a early adopter with their history now. If a console has a slow start it never recovers, 3rd party support dies, etc etc


Me.  I still have my original box.  1 RRoD, 2 weeks, pretty painless.