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Forums - Sony Discussion - Who has gotton their copy of LBP?

I've had mine since before the delay

It's been fun and the single player levels get more awesome as you go.

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Haven't been able to find it. Gamestop said all their copies were reserved. Target was sold out. Circuit City had no idea when they were releasing it, but I'm pretty sure if they had been able to find a copy, I could have bought it. O'well, I'll probably pick it up tomorrow.

I got it..and it's amazing. After the first 2 levels, I was kinda skeptical..but does it ever pick up! The game has amazing replay value, and is especially fun to play with friends. I can't wait until the online is available, I might just skip over R2 til Christmas.

I don't own a PS3, but I went over to my friend's house who bought it. Played it for 5 hours with some friends. It makes me wish I had a PS3. It might turn out to be my favourite game of the year. Right now that resides with Brawl, but I had such a blast with LBP.

I had the original copy.
LBP is really an enjoyable casual game with your family or friends.

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Just picked it up today. Had to go to 5 different stores before getting the last copy at Best Buy.

Haven't played it yet.
Its sitting on my work desk...taunting me..only 4 hours left in the work day, maybe I'll leave early.

 “I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”

Stephen Henry Roberts


In do time...

4 ≈ One

Bought it this last saturday at gamestop, played it, loved it, my kids and my wife love the game, story mode is awesome,  love the music, everything feels right, multiplayer rocks, only complaint is it causing problems with my kids when someone wants to play solo, lived up to the insane hype? yes!, GOTY? possible, if its decided by innovation, then its a lock for GOTY.

Systems owned: NES, SNES, N64, PS1, PS2, PS3, Wii, Xbox360

Currently Playing: UNCHARTED 2 !!

Waiting for: FFXIII, GoW3, GT5, Mass Effect 2

I just got mine this afternoon. So far I'm loving it, except for the atrocious server lag. Hopefully they get that fixed in the next week or so.

You can find me on facebook as Markus Van Rijn, if you friend me just mention you're from VGchartz and who you are here.

yeah lag is the only problem. Got it love it, wife loves it brother in law likes it :)