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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii gamecube games soon be expensive?

Finnbar said:
who plays last gen games?
they just collect dust at my house



Umm I do, and 5th, 4th, and sometimes 3rd gen games as well.


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Pikmin 2 is still $35.... crazy

Why do you guys want Eternal Darkness again? That game was terrible.
Leave it alone.........

Leatherhat on July 6th, 2012 3pm. Vita sales:"3 mil for COD 2 mil for AC. Maybe more. "  thehusbo on July 6th, 2012 5pm. Vita sales:"5 mil for COD 2.2 mil for AC."

Um... I had a GC and now a Wii and I still don't really want Luigi's mansion. I doubt many Wii ownders even know about it. I'll get a Wiimake of it though if it comes out.

"Pikmin 2 is still $35.... crazy"

PIcked it up on ebay for that price. Any game can be the Suikoden II of tommorow. I remember when that game was $10 and nobody wanted it then but now $100+.

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Nintendo are releasing wiimakes of their biggest GC games. This means that if F.I Super Mario Sunshine gets huge demand, they can make a Wiimake for it. So the games that increase in price will get Wiimakes, and that will lower the prices. Except for a few titles of course, like for instance Eternal Dark Ness.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Ninty could very well do some sort of Wii bundle with some great GC games packed-in.






SaviorX said:
Why do you guys want Eternal Darkness again? That game was terrible.
Leave it alone.........


I bought that game and for the like the first 15 minutes I was thinking that and couldn't understand wy it had such a good score.  Controls seemed so bad, etc...  then woke up (you start in a dream) and eventually you learn the controls, etc...  and the game is awsome.  The game received a well deserved 92 on metacritic as one of the top 10 out of over 500 gamecube games.

You are entitled to your opinion, but I suspect you didn't even play it an hour if you think it was terrible.  The longer you play, the better the game is.


I saw Gamestop trying to sell a copy of Smash Bros Melee used for $49.99..... However, that is Gamestop and I only laughed at them when I saw it for that price. I already have all copies of Smash and once the new ones are released I never go back to the older versions. I remember one time I popped in Smash for N64 after playing Melee for awhile and I thought the game was running in slow motion.

I got Eternal Darkness used for 7 bucks a month ago.

Anyways, used Gamecube game sales have definately picked up with the Wii's success. But there were already so many used titles out there that it shouldn't cause a price increase.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.