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Forums - Sony Discussion - If the beta is anything to go by.... R2 is gonna OWN!!!!!

I played the BETA and its a solid game. Nothing to say Game of the year about, just solid. Nothing earthshattering, nothing bad.

End of '08 predictions (made by theprof00): PS3: 20m, 360: 23.5m, wii: 42m

Now Playin':  PS3|Resistance 2, LBP, Uncharted and Fifa 09, PSP| Ratchet and Clank: Size matters, 360| Gears of war 2 and Fallout 3.

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i am addictided to it, i just can't stop... co op its too much fun.

"only possible on ps3"

saying the ps3less guy :.(

Having played R2 and Killzone 2 betas I can say that Killzone 2 absolutely blows it out the water and R2 is just not a comparison. Also having played GeOW 2 in a way I am not proud of what I can compare which is online for the 3:


1. Killzone 2

2. GeOW 2

3. Resistance 2

Kingdizzii said:

Having played R2 and Killzone 2 betas I can say that Killzone 2 absolutely blows it out the water and R2 is just not a comparison. Also having played GeOW 2 in a way I am not proud of what I can compare which is online for the 3:


1. Killzone 2

2. GeOW 2

3. Resistance 2


r2 is way more fun than killzone 2

i have played gears 2 sp as well as multi at pax

it goes like







geow2 is easily the weakest among these. geow2 has the worst online and also the worst mp

do u own a ps3. i dont think so . trolling wont do . can u mail me ur psn


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blazinhead89 said:
konnichiwa said:
Well I hope it is so good like all your guys are saying :).

Better multiplayer than COD 4?


Its different to COD4. At 1st i was like "Meh" Then once i play 1 hour plus i was like "Wow". Its realky addictive leveling up. The Co op is awesome and servers are Lag free. A Nice change from COD4


try the 60 player team deathmatches

crazy fun

the co-op is crazy fun too if u have coordination among team members

definitely the best shooter of 2008

Of course I own a PS3, your stupid to think I would lie about such a thing. R2 is nothing compared to GeOW 2 let alone Killzone 2, sorry it's that way but blame Insomniac not me.

Kingdizzii said:

Of course I own a PS3, your stupid to think I would lie about such a thing. R2 is nothing compared to GeOW 2 let alone Killzone 2, sorry it's that way but blame Insomniac not me.

r2 is wayyyyy better not just better than geow 2

u dont own a ps3 and u never played r2

also r2's sp gfx also pwns geaow2's gfx

r2 is better than geow 2 in terms of both gameplay and graphics

balme trolls and epic games not me

r2's sp mode video of the retail version

yes it is epic and awesome just like the mp mode

Iwhatee you could not be a bigger PS3 fanboy, it is just not possible. I have played all three and you have not, best not to argue with me.