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Forums - Sony Discussion - If the beta is anything to go by.... R2 is gonna OWN!!!!!

I agree the co-op is BRILLIANT...just brilliant!

people are actually working in teams as far as I've seen....from my experience....I love levellin up

I can see myself getting addicted to this in the future!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

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Resistance 2 is going to be huge. I can guarntee you this. As for it's direct competitor Gears 2, i cant say the same. Sure it will sell well, but from the leaked videos, it really does look like Gears 1.5: Expansion Pack. Resistance 2 on the other hand, well, you can't resist it.

r2 gets 10/10 based on just the co-op

the 60 player matches are crazy

Gamer4eva said:
Resistance 2 is going to be huge. I can guarntee you this. As for it's direct competitor Gears 2, i cant say the same. Sure it will sell well, but from the leaked videos, it really does look like Gears 1.5: Expansion Pack. Resistance 2 on the other hand, well, you can't resist it.

gears2 is good but it doesnt offer as much as r2


r2's 60 player matches alone crsushes gears 2

gears 2 also doest look good

on the other hand r2's sp mode graphics is just crazy

see the retail version's gfx ..holy cow


So are the servers dedicated then? (not played on a hosts connection)

Around the Network

Well I hope it is so good like all your guys are saying :).

Better multiplayer than COD 4?

I just hope they fix some of the textures.. looks a little un-PS3 to me.

but it's beta, so I'm sure it will be finalize.


PS4 Preordered - 06/11/2013 @09:30am

XBox One Preordered - 06/19/2013 @07:57pm

"I don't trust #XboxOne & #Kinect 2.0, it's always connected" as you tweet from your smartphone - irony 0_o

konnichiwa said:
Well I hope it is so good like all your guys are saying :).

Better multiplayer than COD 4?

Its different to COD4. At 1st i was like "Meh" Then once i play 1 hour plus i was like "Wow". Its realky addictive leveling up. The Co op is awesome and servers are Lag free. A Nice change from COD4

I heard it was faster? I thought Resistance online was kind of slow.

Oh well I will see myself soon :).

konnichiwa said:
I heard it was faster? I thought Resistance online was kind of slow.

Oh well I will see myself soon :).

Yeah it is much quicker than R1. There's a Run button. Also controls are customizable (I got the COD4 Setup^^)