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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The top five best casual games

Pong, PacMan, Singstar, Wii Sports and Guitar Hero..


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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c03n3nj0 said:

I agree with your list. How about Buzz for the ps2?



I just checked out and yes, look pretty casual.

Mixed reviews, which maybe a normal thing the casual games. But its sells are not bad (Buzz the music Quiz: 1.48 million copies)

But the question remain: is it really good?

You see the thing with the reviews is that they are done by hardcore gamers to harcore gamers. That's why the Wii games IMO are often punished in the reviews just because they are for the Wii

halo 3 - all my friends when they want to come over want to play
gta (any) - everyone has it
super smash bros - its just fun
nhl 09 - again everyone like to play this
mario kart wii - its just fun

i picked all these games because everyone likes to play them no matter what. look at the sales, everyone i know has them.


According to your description

1.- Wii Sports
2.- Super Smash Bros Brawl
3.- Mario Kart Wii
4.- Mario Party 8
5.- Wario Ware: Smooth Moves

Can you please make your own definition. You see, I agree with all your titles except for SSBB. But it all depends on how do you define what is casual.


Onyxmeth said:

The funniest thing about "casual games" is that no matter how someone tries to define them, Ikaruga ALWAYS meets the qualifications. That should be enough reason to know there's no such thing.

I like what Sean Malstrom said in the wall of text called: John Lucas Interviews Sean Malstrom

Games aren't hardcore or casual.. the players are...



Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

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izaaz101 said:
From my experience, it's been fun for casual players to play the following:

1) Wii Sports
2) Guitar Hero
3) Rock Band
4) Wii Fit
5) Carnival Games


I noticed you put Carnival Games in the last place. But check this out Rock Band sold 0.53 on the Wii and Carnival Games sold 2.23. But Rock Band had an average review of 80

while lots of critics hated Carnival Games and gave an average review of 56

I still think Carnival hits is very likeble for Casual Gamer who by the way don't read reviews, and never should.

elgefe02 said:
Wii Music has to be in the top 5


If it is called "Wii something" it is a serious contender. But I haven't played it yet, and you?

salaminizer said:

Call of Duty 4

Mario Kart

Wii Sports




I don't know... Shooters for definition are not casual (but that's me and my definition of casual games).

Why do you think Co4 is casual?

MasterZack said:
For me are:
1. Wario Ware Smoth Moves 2. Wii Sports 3. Wii Fit 4. Wii Music 5. Wii Play


WWSM is a pretty good casual game and is a serious show off of what the system and its controls can do. But, number one?

JPSandhu said:
halo 3 - all my friends when they want to come over want to play
gta (any) - everyone has it
super smash bros - its just fun
nhl 09 - again everyone like to play this
mario kart wii - its just fun

i picked all these games because everyone likes to play them no matter what. look at the sales, everyone i know has them.


This games are hits but I am not sure if they are casual games. They may be borderline between hardcore and casuals. I mean, halo 3 casual? GTA is casual? For me, the most casual may be Mario Kart, but I dont know...Are you saying that your friends are more casual gamers than you? In that case, what do you play? Can you define what is casual for you first?Thanks