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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The state of Microsoft's 1st/2nd party

JaggedSac said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
The game's certainly of the life-sucking variety.

I've just noticed blue veins have started popping on my face... maybe I should restrain myself from my magic addiction.


LOL.  I love that.  I started going shirtless because it looks so badass having blue veins all over me.  I noticed I was a little fat so I had to eat some celery. LOL.


You'll take that fancy nobleman's vest from my cold, dead hands sir.

I am the pimp of albion!

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

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Bitmap Frogs said:


You'll take that fancy nobleman's vest from my cold, dead hands sir.

I am the pimp of albion!


I thought I was pimp when I married a Rifle Vendor thinking I would get some cheap weapons.  The bitch still charges out the ass(I get like a 9% love discount) and she changes vending types everytime I see her.

That kotor mmo hasn't been announced pc exclusive, it probably will but its not atm.

I don't know if anyone else said it, but Bioware was owned by holding group who sold all their gaming assets to EA... it's likely that Microsoft Game Studio couldn't have gotten the approval from higher up to get that kind of money. I don't have the time to read all of it, but you shouldn't post these kind of post if you don't really understand the underling workings that led to them.

EaglesEye379 said:
Rare is working on two projects which are not VP related. Lionhead in two others, with Project Dmitri to be unvealed in 2009. Bungie is working on 3 new IPs and we know if the games have big multiplayer elements like Halo, they would prefer to utilise the infrastructure they have built with Xbox Live. MGS is working on 2-3 other Halo games not announced yet and who knows what else they are cooking internally. We know Gears 3 will come. Turn 10 are working on 2 projects. MS has built relationships with all the top publishers and developers so nothing is stopping new exclusive deals in the pipeline. And nothing is stopping other smaller indie projects or MS acquiring new talented studios.

In the latest round of hiring top class talent, I dont see how people are worried about the manpower or talent. If anything, MGS is growing rapidly and has come a long way since Xbox days.

Imho, the only people worried about the future of MS 1st/2nd party are the Sony fans here. The 360 owners here know there is hardly anything to worry about.


That's a lot of unnannounced games that we probably won't even see for at least a year, let alone get wind of a release date.

These studios just don't pump out games that fast.  It's taking Bungie two years to make a friggin' expansion.  Any new IP won't be released for at the very least a year and half after that.

Rare is the only studio that I could see pumping out games in a reasonable amount of time.  Turn 10 as well, to a lesser extent.  Rare are kind've like Insomniac in that regard.


Guys, the main point of this thread was to point out that MS tends to focus on third party titles rather than first and second party titles.  So long as the games keep coming, is there anything wrong with that?

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Bitmap Frogs said:
Legend11 said:

Next about the rumors of either Rare or Lionhead closing. Microsoft executives have stated that neither in in danger of being closed. There has been absolutely no credible information backing any claims to the contrary so unless the people making such claims want to step up and show us proof it's basically FUD nonsense.


I so wish dox or gtfo was enforced here =D

Anyways spreading rumors that Lionhead is closing is silly considering every game they've made has been a box office success. Fable 2 will break half million worldwide first week.

edit: the reason MS didn't buy Bizarre or Bioware... well there are many reasons but the main one is that buying studios is incredibly risky. The IP's hold value up to a certain extent but it's the talent that's worth the money. How much did EA pay for the slew of studios they bought in the 90's? All those IP's aren't worth a dime anymore and the talent is gone.

They are doing the smart thing: building their own studios (we know that they have at least one full fledged studio building right now) and funding for publishing rights the best they can find around (gears, mass effect, alan wake...).


EA treated studios like crap in the 90s.  Buying studios isn't much of a risk so long as the studio is great, they don't mind being bought, and you treat them well after the acquisition.

The talent didn't walk out after Sony bought Naughty Dog or Zipper, or after Microsoft bought Ensemble or Bungie, did it?

Cueil said:
I don't know if anyone else said it, but Bioware was owned by holding group who sold all their gaming assets to EA... it's likely that Microsoft Game Studio couldn't have gotten the approval from higher up to get that kind of money. I don't have the time to read all of it, but you shouldn't post these kind of post if you don't really understand the underling workings that led to them.


Those gaming assets were BioWare Corp. and Pandemic Studios.  I'm well aware of what went down back in 2007.

MS could've easily stepped in (you know they knew about the merger before hand) and asked for either one of the two studios, thoguh I agree taht they would've never been approved to pick up both.

And that doesn't explain away the Bizarre situation, nor the closing of internal studios.

makingmusic476 said:

Guys, the main point of this thread was to point out that MS tends to focus on third party titles rather than first and second party titles.  So long as the games keep coming, is there anything wrong with that?


This sums it up nicely.


Certain posters on here are making a big deal out of a very fine point.

makingmusic476 said:
Bitmap Frogs said:
Legend11 said:

Next about the rumors of either Rare or Lionhead closing. Microsoft executives have stated that neither in in danger of being closed. There has been absolutely no credible information backing any claims to the contrary so unless the people making such claims want to step up and show us proof it's basically FUD nonsense.


I so wish dox or gtfo was enforced here =D

Anyways spreading rumors that Lionhead is closing is silly considering every game they've made has been a box office success. Fable 2 will break half million worldwide first week.

edit: the reason MS didn't buy Bizarre or Bioware... well there are many reasons but the main one is that buying studios is incredibly risky. The IP's hold value up to a certain extent but it's the talent that's worth the money. How much did EA pay for the slew of studios they bought in the 90's? All those IP's aren't worth a dime anymore and the talent is gone.

They are doing the smart thing: building their own studios (we know that they have at least one full fledged studio building right now) and funding for publishing rights the best they can find around (gears, mass effect, alan wake...).


EA treated studios like crap in the 90s.  Buying studios isn't much of a risk so long as the studio is great, they don't mind being bought, and you treat them well after the acquisition.

The talent didn't walk out after Sony bought Naughty Dog or Zipper, or after Microsoft bought Ensemble or Bungie, did it?


But the risk is high. Bungie eventually walked out the door and some of sony's investments didn't pan out neither. The former Psygnosis has been reduced to a F1 yearly game farm (let's see, now that sony lost the licesense they might be given some leeway to try new things) and the teams behind the getaway and eight days... well you know the story. The point is that you don't need to treat them like crap to drown the potential creativity and innovation from a studio and that's why dumping massive dollars into buying teams is a risky strategy. Owning a large farm of first party teams is not the only option and not necessarily the best option to build that bunch of head-turning exclusives a console needs.

Microsoft's strategy of funding cherrypicked projects has the same potential of producing great games for its userbase but without the huge sunk costs that come with a team buyout. Mind you, this also has it's own slew of risks but the whole "omgomgomg microsoft has no first party lolololol" is just a fruitless discussion born only from the desire to bash whatever microsoft does. It's SDF at its best.

Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).

makingmusic476 said:
EaglesEye379 said:
Rare is working on two projects which are not VP related. Lionhead in two others, with Project Dmitri to be unvealed in 2009. Bungie is working on 3 new IPs and we know if the games have big multiplayer elements like Halo, they would prefer to utilise the infrastructure they have built with Xbox Live. MGS is working on 2-3 other Halo games not announced yet and who knows what else they are cooking internally. We know Gears 3 will come. Turn 10 are working on 2 projects. MS has built relationships with all the top publishers and developers so nothing is stopping new exclusive deals in the pipeline. And nothing is stopping other smaller indie projects or MS acquiring new talented studios.

In the latest round of hiring top class talent, I dont see how people are worried about the manpower or talent. If anything, MGS is growing rapidly and has come a long way since Xbox days.

Imho, the only people worried about the future of MS 1st/2nd party are the Sony fans here. The 360 owners here know there is hardly anything to worry about.


That's a lot of unnannounced games that we probably won't even see for at least a year, let alone get wind of a release date.

These studios just don't pump out games that fast.  It's taking Bungie two years to make a friggin' expansion.  Any new IP won't be released for at the very least a year and half after that.

Rare is the only studio that I could see pumping out games in a reasonable amount of time.  Turn 10 as well, to a lesser extent.  Rare are kind've like Insomniac in that regard.


Guys, the main point of this thread was to point out that MS tends to focus on third party titles rather than first and second party titles.  So long as the games keep coming, is there anything wrong with that?

Actually dude, Bungie just started working this Spring on the expansion.