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Forums - Gaming Discussion - is anyone else disappointed in Far cry 2?

I wouldn't know. I chose Dead Space over Far Cry , and at the time, regretted the deciscion.
But after reading all this and playing Dead Space, I think I made the right choice...

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So far (i'm 16% complete) its pretty good, but the missions do get repetitive. I hate the missions you do for the weapon shops, which so far have been nothing but 'destroy this convoy of weapon shipments.' I seriously hope it isn't like that for the rest of the game. Also, the texture pop-in can get really annoying.

PSN- williwod

Remember, there are no stupid questions. Just stupid people- Mr Garrison

@ OP )

that's exactly what a lot of german mags pointed out - and most of them gave the game ~80%

from what I read the main criticisms are:

- very very repetitve missions, that often involve driving from A to B killing everything and then driving back to point A
- stupid AI
- very quickly respawning enemies
- no citizens and every faction is your enemy
- largely empty, liveless and hence in the long run boring world with only some few animals