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Forums - General Discussion - Another typical group of McCain supporters in Denver.

MrBubbles said:
oh its just fine for people to make fun of George Bush because he looks like a monkey...but nooooo cant say anything about obama...

Hmmm, I don't recall any children making fun of GWB.  It's that fact that this kids parents have already put it in their heads that black people are the equivalent of monkeys on the evolutionary scale (oh wait, they don't believe in evolution).

The ugly underbelly of the republican party has been exposed for all to see.  I really think the original republicans, the fiscal conservatives, need to make a break with the religous right.


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"His wife made him say he was a christian so he could get elected!"

LOL... this is so sad... hilarious but sad.

The kid saying, "Monkey President" is not funny at all. Seriously.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

reserved for when I watch it later.

I'm a mod, come to me if there's mod'n to do. 

Chrizum is the best thing to happen to the internet, Period.

Serves me right for challenging his sales predictions!

Bet with dsisister44: Red Steel 2 will sell 1 million within it's first 365 days of sales.

I am surprised that their are no accidents between the two group of supporters;.

They are out in small groups. They really look out of place in my neighborhood. I mean, for their entire lifetimes they've been told "don't go to Capitol Hill, there's nothing but trouble there". Yeah, trouble, with a capitol P, and most of the drug trade, prostitution and a mile or so away from where the homeless congregate downtown at night, especially in the winter.

So the doorbell rings and there's this girl there that looks like Lori Singer. Well my neighborhood is mostly gay so that isn't a selling point. I know she's here for McCain and just into her first sentence I interrupt here and say "I already early voted, and for Obama". She didn't look too happy after that but she was courteous enough to thank me for my time.

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Also this group is far from typical, if it was typical then ~50% of Americans are like this.

I'm fairly anti-American and even I think that its probably closer to 1-2% that are this stupid.

I think COmmunist has to be a drinking word for when I'm passing by one of these types of gatherings....

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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so what if Obama WAS a muslim what would be the problem? I hate how people are making such a big deal about it.

If he was a muslim, it wouldn't make him a terrorist. His name is Hussein Obama, that doesn't make him a terrorist either

The problem I have with this thread is the the word "typical".

if you think the majority of McCain supporters think like this, you fall into the same category of human as the people portrayed in that video.

Some guy stands in front of a McCain rally with what was probably a very controversial poster (no one showed what they are upset at), and put together the reactions of 10 out of 10,000 people.

I could stand in front of a line of Obama supporters with a sign that says "Bush, the greatest president we ever had", and I am sure I would get just as much hate.

Are these typical Obama supporters?