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Forums - Sales Discussion - Is Sony in serious trouble? Talk of closing factories, further shortfalls

It looked bad for Sony earlier this week when they announced a 57% cut in their earnings forcast but things may be even worse than that according to this latest Bloomberg article on the situation with Sony:


- Sony shares have now fallen to their lowest point in 13 years.

- Sony CFO Nobuyuki Oneda talks of Sony possibly closing factories and cutting spending during what he describes as a "difficult time" for Sony.

- Some analysts are expecting Sony to not even meet its current full year profit forcast despite it having already been cut twice in the last two quarters with the last one being a 57% drop.



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Well hopefully spiderman 4 will change things

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I wonder out loud if Sony would look to sale off assets at some point. As with any business, its bout survival first.

The Interweb is about overreaction, this is what makes it great!

...Imagine how boring the interweb would be if everyone thought logically?

well if sony starts selling things i hope microsoft picks up the rights to MediEvil

"I like my steaks how i like my women.  Bloody and all over my face"

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so there is no chance ps3 will getting price cut, with xbox 360 have as many as 9 bundle for europe , also some new bundle for NA and Japan. and where is PS3 bundle ?

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Hopefully the doom and gloom is only temporary. I would hate Sony to take too much of a hit. I may prefer 360 this gen, but Sony hurting, means gaming will be hurting. That is not a good thing!

TheTruthHurts! said:
Hopefully the doom and gloom is only temporary. I would hate Sony to take too much of a hit. I may prefer 360 this gen, but Sony hurting, means gaming will be hurting. That is not a good thing!


Yes because we can't have a video game company being the leader in the video game market.  IT HURTS GAMING. 



CGI-Quality said:
Well I don't think they're on life support but they definitely need to re-think their current strategy because I'm guessing right now they will just continue downward unless they shape up. Have no fear though, as I believe they will get themselves out of this position. :D



dejelek said:
so there is no chance ps3 will getting price cut, with xbox 360 have as many as 9 bundle for europe , also some new bundle for NA and Japan. and where is PS3 bundle ?


 uh... LBP bundels? WW... havent you heard?

It is because capitalism is at the bottom of its cycle. With gas prices falling and the holidays coming sooner Sony's sales will increase. Sony ended rear-projection TV manufacturing due to LCD TV manufacturing being cheaper and being the better sellers in the market. Once the economy picks back up thing will be back to normal.

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