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Forums - Sony Discussion - Resistance 2 is sick

depends on the size, but normally not really it goes pretty fast

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My girlfriend and I are ADDICTED to the 8 person COOP. How we aren't sick and tired of that one map is beyond me but we've sunk countless hours into it. It is just pure fun. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters. The beta and seeing Gears 2's awful ending and beginning launched this onto the top of my play list apon release which means I only get one week with little big planet. :(

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I feel you Solid, I'm trying to debate if I should hold off on one of them until christmas, it is a very tough decision

Solid_Raiden said:
My girlfriend and I are ADDICTED to the 8 person COOP. How we aren't sick and tired of that one map is beyond me but we've sunk countless hours into it. It is just pure fun. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters. The beta and seeing Gears 2's awful ending and beginning launched this onto the top of my play list apon release which means I only get one week with little big planet. :(

Not suggesting this is what YOU should do. But personally, my feelings are BUY NOW, juggle playing later.


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I meant to quote you Juice. Not me. Don't know how that happened.

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haha yea my wallet is already burning after buying games at the toys r us sale , this will put it into a complete meltdown

i am going to sleep my eyes are red, i never played soo much >_

ok ive heard too muchh about this game, I REALLY WANT IT! i wanted the Beta before all your reviews and ive beeen desperate to get into it. There have been threads saying ive got a spare resistance key, but either someone else has got there first or ive got there first and the person seems to have completly forgotten about giving me the key Bill Crosby!!! :(

So if any of you have or get a spare key please can you give it to me?

Thanks sorry if its not really on topic.

Hmm... I was excited to get a beta key in my e-mail today, but after playing a few rounds I'm not particularly impressed. I'll have to give it some more play time later, but so far I can't see this making its way onto my purchase list.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Let the Teabaggings begin.