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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Resident Evil 5 producer - Wii couldn’t handle title screen of RE5

I guess when you add together the advertising costs on top of the development costs for a blockbuster title like this, the balance of budgets between the HD twins and Wii doesn't look as large anymore.

Thats probably the only one pointer I could come up with to explain the continued run of attention for the HD duo in spite of overwhelming Wii take up.


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Well, if by that he means the title screen has more than 480 pixels on the vertical axis, then no, the Wii couldn't diplay it as it was originally made.

Shocking news everyone - The Wii cannot output 1080p!

Well, I'm off to sell my Wii and buy something with more pixelz

Guys, why are we listening to him? he is a producer, he is essentially a glorified PR person. He has no control over the programming, has no idea what the Wii can and can't handle. he also gets little to no say as to whether a Wii port of RE5 is made

trestres said:

A portion of a CVG interview with Resident Evil 5 producer Masachika Kawata…

CVG: Thing’s in Resident Evil 5 look superficially similar to Resi 4; what’s been improved here?

Kawata: First of all, and quite obviously, the graphics. Even the title screen of this couldn’t have been done on PS2 or Wii.

Oh, come on now. Don’t you think that’s taking things a bit too far? I’m sure the Wii could have lived up to the title screen. It almost sounds like Mr. Kawata is trying too hard to convince us that RE5 is that much better than RE4.

WTF is wrong with Capcom? I was starting to like them again, but now they come again with their stupid talk and BS. Of course this confirms no RE5 for the Wii even though it could be done and they just don't want to do it.

Lol RE5 looks like a glorified RE4, such dumbasses. What this guy said was just an insult towards Wii owners.
He is at the same time saying PS2 = Wii in terms of power.

Lol Capcom, just lol.


You can lol all you want, but this stuff is gonna hurt what games Wii gets.  It is commonly believed that the Wii is a technological piece of crap (I KNOW this is not true).  But the pwnage was just so epic that all I can do is laugh. 

trestres said:
@blackstar: Dante? where's DMC for the Wii?? -.-

I'm not hating Capcom cause there's still MH3, but they should watch out what they say, they are insulting a huge userbase with that kind of crap, and it's not the first time they do it, far from it.

Stop taking every hit against the wii so personally. Thats not healthy. The wii has its shortcomings and they are gonna be called out from time to time. The Wii is weak so its an insult to everyone who bought the console cuz that means theyare all weak?

No point in this madness.



"HD Twins"? Did you first coin this or some else has?

Proud member of the Sonic Support Squad.

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@Beja-Beja: Read my previous posts. Why bother posting if you won't read what people had to say?

Proud poster of the 10000th reply at the Official Smash Bros Update Thread.

tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

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Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

Fullfilled Prophecies

lol bitter fans can't play RE5 on Wii.

RE5 looks awesome no doubt.


I read all of your previous posts and hey only reinforce the notion that you are way to close to the wii in regards of how its doing. I understand that you love the console enjoy it and hope it is successful but you act as if it is infallible and the entire world is against it.

The Wii is in first place what more could you want. You seem to be unhappy with the wii's current library and place all your hopes that it will be better next year ( I agree).

Still calm down. Relax. The PS2 was awesome, The Wii is great. They are just not able to handle the game in any recognizable form. I dont take umbrage with his statement and respect any developer that gives us straight talk.

hotrodx said:

"HD Twins"? Did you first coin this or some else has?


Dunno, probably not.



"I am not as talented as Mikami-san and I have something to prove. Even so, I must pretend I can deliver".

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."